Their Powers

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Breyanna's Powers- Breyanna's hazel eyes turns blood-red, and all her veins from her face to her hip turn black, when she uses her powers

She can turn into her wolf Roselin, when she is in her wolf form her eyes are bright red.

She can used her wolf speed, when she's in her human form.

Breyanna can use her hands to heal people's sickness.

Breyanna can also turn invisible.

Breyanna can turn her pain into power.

She can command any supernatural forces to do anything and they will do it. (Except Adea, Lani, Sese, Quanda and Iona)

Lani's Powers- Lani's turquoise eyes turn black and all the veins in her body turn black, when she us using her powers.

She can turn into her demon Kalli,

When she does two black wings burst through her back, then two horns grow my her head and her canines lenghten same with her finger nails,

Lani can teleport anywhere at anytime.

Quanda's Powers- Quanda's icy-blue eyes turns bright pink when she uses her powers, the veins on her face turns a dark red.

Quanda can make spells, poisons.

Quanda can see highlights of the future (A/N Like the next day)

Quanda can make barriers to protect or capture people.

Quanda can teleport.

Adea's Powers- Adea's steel grey eyes turns violet when she uses her powers.

Adea can stop time and look into the past.

Adea can turn into a bat and she can see from afar.

Adea can teleport anywhere at anytime.

Adea can tell when anyone is lying, she gets a sour taste on her tongue.

She can read people's minds.

Adea has a poison liquid on her nails and fangs when she shifts.

Iona's Powers- Iona's forest green eyes turns an electric blue when she uses her powers.

Iona can turn into her dragon Malu,

Iona can change anybody emotions,

Iona has the control of fire.

Her powers feeds off her emotions.

Rage/Anger- Red
Sadness- Green
Calmness- Blue
Happyness- Yellow
Frustration- dark orange
Irritation- turquoise

Sese's Powers- Sese's honey brown eyes turn gold when she uses her powers, and the veins on her face turns white.

Sese can control earth, wind and ice/water.

Sese can turn into her angel Juèn

Sese can fly in her human form.


Happy Boxing Day my dear Badass Omegas.


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