Chapter 36

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1 week later...

    I made sure Aurora was by my side for the rest of the week. I couldn't risk her being snatched right from under me. I couldn't trust anyone but myself and Damien.

"Mommy, can we go play outside?" Her pleading eyes was torture enough. I couldn't say no to her, no matter how hard I tried.

"Sure. Want to ask daddy to come?"

"Yeah!" She grabs her stuffed animal and runs out of her room; she runs down the hall, bouncing along the way, all the way to Damien's office.

Damien's form was hunched over; loads amounts of paper piled in front of him. He was tired and at his wits end.

"Daddy!" A smile comes to his face when he sees Aurora come running into the room. She jumps into his lap, giving him a warm hug.

My hand moves to my stomach; I'm going to have to tell him soon. There shouldn't be a problem with telling Damien. He is a good father to Aurora and to our future child. But I do not wish for a child during war. Its another reason for Axel to kill Damien and I.

"You are going to work yourself to death." I cross my arms and raise my one of my eyebrows to him.

"The spy is still in the castle. They leak information everyday." Damien keeps his eyes on Aurora; watching her as she plays with her stuffed animal.

"We have no leads?"

"None. It could be anyone." Damien picks Aurora up and puts her on his hip. He sits up from his chair and walks over to me.

"Be careful what you say around people. We can't trust anyone at this point."

"I will. Now, you need a break and Aurora wants to play outside."

"I'm sorry, I can't. There's no much work to be done."

"But daddy..." Aurora whines and starts to weep.

"I'm sorry princess. I'll make it up to you later."


"I promise princess. Go with your mother."

   I kiss Damien on the cheek before walking off with Aurora's hand in mine. We make our way to the garden; the snow covers the rose bushes. Hiding away the dark red beauty.

"Can't we go on a walk?" Aurora asks

"Of course. Hold my hand though." Her cheeky smile spreads even further; if that was even possible.

"Why wouldn't daddy come with us?"

"Your father is a busy man, princess."

"Because he's a king?"

"Yes. Which makes you a princess." She lets out a little giggle while skipping along.

The same chill from my wedding day blew past me. My bones froze in my body; goosebumps arise on my skin; I squeeze Aurora's hand tighter.

"Aurora, stay behind me." She stands behind my legs, gripping me for protection.

The black mist was larger this time. It swarmed around my legs as well as Aurora. All meeting together a few feet away from us. Axel and two men emerge from the smoke.

I didn't realize how far we walked. The castle was far in the distance; we were in the middle of a snowy plane.

Where no one can hear us scream.

"Axel, what are you doing here?"

"Come with me and no one will get hurt." His evil grin made me want to barf.

And I want to barf because of my morning sickness.

"Is that suppose to scare me?" I don't wait for him to answer; I throw a fire ball right at him. Hitting him square in the chest, knocking him down.

"Get them." Axel commands the other two men; making them run at Aurora and I.

"Morietur sanguis eius in ipso." I whisper the spell before taking eyes upon the victims. The blood leaks out of their body; making them go pale face. Turning them the colors of white and red.

As I was busy dealing with Axel's men, he had brought some more backup. Mutant demons come crawling out of the earth; black as the night. I throw fireball after fireball at them. Demons would take their hit at me; making me ooze blood. I fight them off the best I can, yet the shriek of pure terror makes me drop my guard.

Aurora, in the clutches of Axel. Her screams for me and safety. The demons disappear; melting back into the earth. Leaving me on the icy ground, crawling for my daughter.

"I'll see you soon, Katarina."

"Momm..." Black fog covers them; taking my daughter and my worst enemy far away. As the world starts to become haze, figures comes into view.

"Your majesty." My eyes shut, creating darkness.

* * *

The dawn of light comes back to me as my eye lids open. Damien and I's room coming into view. And my husband, clutching my hand with his. Actual tears falling down his face.

Possibly the first time I have ever seen him cry.


"Kat, what happened?" His other hand goes to my face to wipe the tears off.

"Axel...he took Aurora."

"I know. I sent everyone after them. We will find her."

"I couldn't even protect my Aurora," the tears start to waterfall from my eyes, "how am I suppose to protect this child?" My hand goes to my stomach, rubbing the smooth texture.

"You're pregnant?"

"I am." He lets go of my hand, just to place it on my stomach along with mine.

"We will get our Aurora back and we will protect this child."

"The child is okay? No harm done to the baby?"

"The baby is perfectly fine. Now, let me hold you." He climbs into the bed with me; gathering me in his arms.

But not even his comforting touch can soothe me. Not many people know of the suffering, when you loose a child. Aurora might be dead by now; but I can't think of that. Damien is right, Aurora is a fighter. I can only hope that I get my daughter back from that monster.

For if I don't, all of hell will break loose.

And I will rip this world apart just to find my little Aurora.

This chapter kind of sucks

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This chapter kind of sucks. Sorry.

There's about 10 chapters left!!

And shit is about to go down!!

Hope you enjoy🤍🖤❤️

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