Chapter Fifteen

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Isla had come to shortly after being brought to the nurse's office. The nurse tried to get Stevie and Paxton to go back to class, but Paxton was not budging. "I'll stay with her until her grandmother comes," he declared stroking her hand that was firmly in his. "Fine." Nurse Patterson sighed. He could tell something was going on between the two and he did not want to get on the bad side of any Devereux witch. "Stevie, go to class!" He instructed handing her a note. "Sure thing Mr. P.!" Stevie smiled. "Hey Paxton, can I talk to you?" Isla eyed her best friend wearily as she let go of Paxton's hand. They made their way to the doorway and Stevie stood in front of Paxton so his back was facing Isla.

"That girl in there," Stevie began. "That's my best friend and I will do whatever it takes to protect her. I don't care that you're her mate I will end you if you hurt her, capeesh?" Paxton was grinning widely at Stevie and her declaration of love for Isla. "You think I'm her mate?" He asked with a smile. "Of course you're her mate and deep down you both knew that. Don't fuck it up." He gave her a warm embrace being careful not to squeeze too hard. "Thank you for loving her," he said as he let her go. "I will die before I let anything bad happen to her." Stevie nodded and smiled as she made her way back to class, because she knew that Paxton meant every word he said.

"Did she threaten to kill you?" Isla chuckled as Paxton sat next to her on the examination table and held her hand. "She did a little bit of threatening," Paxton chuckled. "But she loves you and that makes me happy. I want you surrounded by people that care about you." He placed a chaste kiss on her forehead before resting his on hers. "I'm sorry I scared you," Isla sighed. "How'd you know..." Paxton smiled. "I could feel you and I'm not sure how. I think you're my mate, Paxton. That's kind of weird, isn't it?" He chuckled. "I've never had a mate, so yeah it's kind of weird, but I love that you're mine." Isla's heart swelled at the acceptance she didn't know her body was craving on the matter. Paxton stroked Isla's cheek before leaning in for a kiss.

The clearing of a throat interrupted them and when Isla and Paxton saw who stood in the doorway, they both stood up. "Nona," Isla said awkwardly. "This is-" Nona smiled. "I know who he is, Isla. I'm the one who allowed him and his sister to move here." Nona noticed the scene that she interrupted, just like she noticed her granddaughter's hand intertwined with the new vampire. 'History trying to repeat itself,' she thought to herself with a sly smirk. "Come on, Isla. You need to get some rest."

It physically hurt Isla to let go of Paxton's hand. He smiled softly at her before kissing her cheek. "Please rest up," Paxton whispered. "Do it for me." Isla smiled at this, because she knew that he knew her well enough to know that rest would be the last thing on her mind. Isla promised she would try and followed her grandmother out to her car.

"Your mother is waiting for us at the house. I want you to tell us everything and don't leave a single detail out." Nina stated sternly. Isla felt drained from the day's events. She couldn't believe it was just 1pm. It felt like it should've been nighttime. As she walked into her living room she noticed the look on her mother's face. "Tell us everything." She said as they all sat on the couches.

Margot and Nina listened as Isla started from the beginning with the incident at school with Coach Chablis. She told them about how Grey stopped the fire from consuming her. Isla informed them about Paxton and how they met 6 years ago in a dream and had continued to meet via dreams. She told them about Grey and Selah and the earthquake. Then Isla took a breath and told them that she believed both Paxton and Grey were her mates and that she was sure Grey was going to reject her.

Margot and Nina sat there for a few moments to collect their thoughts. "The relationship between vampires and witches have always been a strange one," Nina began. "Of the few witches I've encountered who have vampires for mates they have an unexplainable blood bond that allows them to join one another in dreams. Also, when the vampires feed off of their mates their senses and strength become limitless. They are usually considered the strongest of them all."

Isla thought about what that would mean for Paxton, especially with her being an Orb. She had no doubt that she would let him feed from her. She loved him and would do anything to protect him and keep him safe. "As for witches and werewolves...that's a trickier dynamic. I've only met one in my life and it can be quite rocky."

Isla looked at her grandmother with questioning eyes. "Why is that? The werewolves in Ravenswood don't seem to hate witches, so why is the pairing so tricky?" Nina sighed. "Oftentimes werewolves are driven by anger and rage, while witches are balance personified. We are all about nature and tranquility, which goes against the wolves' purest form. It doesn't bode well that Grey already has such a hatred for witches. They both are your mates and without the acceptance of both I don't know what that will mean for you."

Margot spoke up. "We need to go to Otha." She stated getting up. Isla was prepared to head to the garage, but noticed that Nona did not grab her keys. She then realized they were going to teleport to the Enchanted Forest. In a manner of seconds, the three of them stood in front of Otha in need of answers and guidance. Nothing could prepare them for what they were about to learn.

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