Chapter 17: Secrets and lies

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"I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare to let out."
~ Ally Carter (Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover)


The night air was cold and prickled the exposed skin of my short-sleeved shirt. The four of us were crouched behind one of the large columns of the portico, having successfully navigated through the inner corridors and hallways of the Fort without any hitch. Josh, who has by default, taken charge of this clandestine mission, turned to face us, more specifically me.

"We need to be extra careful from here on. You see those watchtowers? There's always someone up there, keeping a look out. We can't let them see us which is why we need to be quiet and stay in the shadows," Josh said, his eyes focused on me. I nodded.

"Follow me then," he said and quickly darted out of the column and rushed off to hide in the next. Vanessa went next, scurrying from one column to another. I followed her, Kace at my tail, my heart beating wildly at the possible prospect of being caught. Would Mr Blackwell ever forgive us for breaking rules twice in a single week?

We were now standing at the edge of the portico. The enormous and well-maintained garden extended on all sides and was probably twice as big as a football field and ostentatiously beautiful with flowers of all kinds like azaleas, marigold, roses, bell flower and others I couldn't name, finely sculpted hedges, olive groves, wisteria plants and ivy alike growing over the edges of the rampart. 

Gravel paths led to different sections of the garden, sporadically obstructed by fountains of a mermaid carrying a pot that spewed out water, in the case of which they forked and rejoined again at the back of the fountain. There was a small vineyard, extending from the right flank of the garden all the way to the back. The trees formed a thick canopy and were bursting with ripe grapes. Josh had already told us, on our way out of my room, to make a beeline for the vineyard once we were out the double doors of the Fort.

I waited with baited breath as Josh did a quick sweep to check if we were being watched. Finally, he gave us an all clear sign and hurried off and disappeared inside the vineyard, quick and light as a fox. Kace and Vanessa followed. I went last. I managed to stumble over a rock too but I bit down the startled yelp before it could escape my throat.

The inside of the vineyard was completely dark, the canopy preventing the moonlight from entering. There was the nauseatingly sweet smell of grapes everywhere. Vanessa, Kace and Josh were waiting for me. Once I was inside, Josh started down a path. We were about to follow a curve of the small dirt trail that weaved between the trees, when low voices floated through the air. All of us stilled, looking at each other warily.

The voices were near enough that I could make out the words if I concentrated hard. The voices were definitely masculine. I was sure one of them belonged to Mr Blackwell. Josh captured my wrist and tugged me gently, gesturing me to follow him through a different path but I shook my head, a specific word catching my attention – my name.

"So what have you concluded about her? Ava Young?" asked an unfamiliar voice. "Is she who you think she is?"

Mr Blackwell replied, "I am afraid there is no way to be sure."

There was a scoff. "Sure there is, sir. You are just not willing to risk it."

"Yes, you're right. I am not willing to risk it. She is still young, just a child. She is still being introduced to this whole new world. Her mind is at a fragile state and I cannot burden her further. And on top of that, she lost Esther too. Someone she thought of as her mother."

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