Chapter 18: Pegasus vs A Beetle

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"Perhaps it is a human thing, to look upon such beauty and fail to encompass it."
~ Robin McKinley (Pegasus)


"You guys have steeds for pets?" I asked, both envious and incredulous as I stared at the two pegasus before me. One was a complete shade of pure white, while the other was more of an ocher shade with a brown mane. They were both stunning yet I couldn't help but remember Mr Blackwell's pegasus, Storm, who was, by far, the most beautiful one.

"I don't," Vanessa reminded me. "I still need to pass my tests and get my ID before owning a pegasus."

"ID? You need an ID to ride a pegasus?"

"Well, yes. It's not like we have cars in Morlea. Their mechanisms don't work here. We do have bicycles but they're slow. So, people prefer pegasus and horses. And, no, you can't ride an animal without a license."

"Wow. It's almost like getting a car. I was learning to drive you know," I said, almost wistfully. "I was saving money to buy a Volkswagen Beetle before...everything happened. It seems so mundane now, learning to drive when I could fly in a winged horse."

The ghost of a smile appeared on my face as I gazed down at the city of Morlea spread out before me – appearing a bundle of maze with twinkling lights. The back of the Fort loomed behind us, an intimidatingly large palace standing at the peak of a hill. I remembered the first time I had flown up here with Mr Blackwell and Storm. It seems like years have passed since then.

"You ready?" Josh asked, snapping me from my thoughts. He was done with fitting the saddle on his white pegasus and was looking at me expectantly. I nodded and moved towards him.

"I'll help you up," he said. He bent down to his knees and held out his joined hands. I tilted my head in confusion. He sighed and said, "Put your feet on my hand, silly, and climb up."

"Oh," I said and flushed. I did as he said and in a second, I was sitting atop the white horse. Josh quickly climbed up behind me. I was acutely aware of how his muscled arms formed a secure cage around me as he took hold of the reins. I tried to make myself as small as possible so that I wasn't blocking his view and it was easier for him to control the reins.

"Stop it, stupid," Josh said, chuckling. I could feel his laughter rumble through his chest. "You don't have to shrink yourself. You're already a midget as it is."

I blushed furiously. "I'm not that small, you know!" I huffed indignantly. "I'm 5'4!"

He didn't reply because suddenly a voice yelled, "Hey wait! Where do you think you're going?"

Kace and Vanessa looked over at us from their own pegasus, alarmed. Josh cursed behind me colourfully.

A tall, lanky guy appeared in front of us, panting as if he had come running. He didn't look too old, probably in his early twenties. "What are you all doing out of bed?" he asked. "You aren't allowed out here! And where are you going?"

"That," Josh drawled in a voice that could make you annoyed and furious just by hearing it, "is none of your business."

The guy's nose flared in anger. "I've been given the responsibility of security and I'll not allow you kids to run off somewhere under my watch!"

"Quite a competent job you're doing," Josh said, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Why, if I had to take a guess, I'd say it wasn't just us who were sneaking off. Dressed in all black with dirt in your clothes and ruffled wind hair, I'd say you just returned from somewhere. Secret lover, maybe? Or is it--?"

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