admiring, not staring

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(Your POV)

It's a cold, rainy day and Timothée and I have been sitting on the couch watching movies all day. We're currently watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off, a classic and one of my personal favorites.

I snuggle closer to Timothée, resting my head against his shoulder and wrapping my arms around his torso. Our legs are tangled beneath the blankets and Timothée's hand rests on my thigh, rubbing soft, soothing circles.

Despite how entranced I am by the movie, I can't help but notice Timothée watching me.

"Stop staring at me," I say, my cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment. I pull the blanket closer to my face to hide my blushing, but Timothée immediately pulls it back down.

"I'm not staring at you," Timothée says calmly, still keeping his eyes on me.

"Are too. You haven't watched a second if this movie, which is a disgrace by the way because this is a great movie. You've been looking at me this whole time," I say defensively, turning to look at him.

Timothée's eyes search my face, glancing from my eyes to my lips and back again. "I told you, I'm not staring."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Admiring." A smile creeps onto Timothée's face as he once again glances at my lips.

"Admiring looks a lot like staring to me," I say, trying my best to keep my voice steady. I get weak every time he looks at me the way he's looking at me right now.

"It's not. Staring is when you're just looking at something absentmindedly, not fully taking in what you're looking at. Admiring is when you notice every little thing. And I was noticing every little thing."

"What were you noticing?" I whisper, my heart beginning to beat uncontrollably for some reason.

"The way your eyes crinkle when you smile, and how you just light up every time you laugh. And how you're lips are perfectly rosy and your cheeks are constantly a light shade of pink. How your hair falls perfectly around your face. How every movement you make is so gentle and reserved. How you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met and ever will meet."

I have absolutely nothing to say that could be a proper response to Timothée's comments. My heart is now beating completely out of my chest and it feels as if a million tiny butterflies are fluttering around in my stomach. I gulp and bite my bottom lip. God, why is he so poetic?

"Y/N, baby, don't do that to me," Timothée whispers.

"Do what?" I whisper back.

"Bite your lip like that. Do you know how hard it's been for me to sit here while you're wrapped all around me? I want to do so many things to you - with you - right now. But that lip bite, that lip bite is dangerous. I don't know how much longer I can control myself."

I giggle and hide my face in the crook of his neck, leaving small kisses along his shoulder and collarbone.

"Maybe I want you to do things to me," I say as seductively as I can, biting my bottom lip again.

"Fuck," he whispers before placing his hand on my cheek.

He pulls me closer and our lips meet gingerly, as if we are afraid to ruin the moment. Not before long, I deepen the kiss, feeling love pouring out of him. Soon enough, our sweet little kiss has turned into something more, something hungrier. My hands get tangled in his chocolate brown curls and his desperately pull me closer, holding me tightly against him as if someone were trying to drag me away.

At last I pull away, hesitantly, immediately missing the warmth of his kiss. We rest our heads against each other and I watch him, his small grin sending even more butterflies a flutter.

"Stop staring," Timothée says, giggling.

"I'm not staring. I'm admiring."

"I love you so much."


hi everyone! hope you liked this imagine! sorry ive been inactive the past few days, i'm going on vacation next week and was trying to do all my makeup work ahead of time.

speaking of, i am going to be in florida from monday to saturday with my family, so i may not be super active. i will try my best tho!

if you'd like to make a request, feel free to pm me!

thanks so much for reading! if you liked this, pls like, share, and follow me for more!

much love, lyra <3

much love, lyra <3

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