Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Anaira said bye to Aditya's mother and got in to the passenger seat of his car. There was an awkward silence. He had not even turned on the music.

Anaira was looking outside the window and suddenly her stomach made a loud noise. She was hungry and she had not eaten anything in the afternoon as well. Aditya looked at her and could see that she was embarrassed. But he didn't ask her anything.

She slowly looked at him and said "If you don't mind, could you please stop at any restaurant? Or just drop me here. I will take a cab home."

He looked at her and replied "Why? Do you want my mom to throw me out of the house? I will stop at the next restaurant on the way. Not many are open at this time."

Anaira just nodded at him. He stopped at a small restaurant on the way. She got down and Aditya too went along with her. She asked for a take away.

"Eat here itself. It's already late and you seem to be starving." he told her.

She asked him if he wanted anything but he refused. Anaira gobbled up the food in one go. Aditya who sat there looking at her felt guilty. The poor girl was starving because of him he thought.

She then gave the directions to her apartment as he drove the vehicle. Aditya was surprised to find out where she lived, because he owned a condo in the same building.

It was a private one. He went there when he wanted some alone time and needed a drink. Though he didn't live there often, it was his favorite place. His mom wouldn't allow him to drink at home and this condo was his escape. His parents knew about this and they understood that he was a grown man and needed his space sometimes.

He wasn't someone who drank very frequently but only when he was very stressed. He told Anaira "Which floor do you live in? I have condo here in the 15th floor."

"I live in the 24th floor." she replied.

"Oh okay." he responded.

"Thanks for dropping me. Good night." she told him.

"Good night." he responded.

Anaira got down from his car and waved a goodbye at him. 'Why do I become so tensed in his presence?' she thought to herself.


Next day at work, Anaira was sitting in Aditya's cabin working on something and someone barged into the cabin saying "Hey Adi! My friend."

Aditya looked at the said person and said "Nishant, how many times should I tell you to knock before you enter?"

"Hey, I trust you my friend. I know you won't be doing any funny business here that requires me to knock before entering you know." Nishant replied winking at him.

Anaira wanted to laugh at that but controlled herself.

"Nishant!!" Aditya warned him.

"Okay, cool down. Is this how you greet your best friend who's meeting you after 2 weeks? I wanted to meet you yesterday but you were busy the whole day." Nishant said.

Just then he noticed that they're not the only ones in the cabin. He looked at Anaira and said "Hey! Who's this beautiful lady here?"

"Hi, my name's Anaira. I joined last week as an intern."

"Oh yes. Sim Sim I mean Simran did tell me about you. So good to see you finally Anaira and your name's as beautiful as you are." he replied. Sim Sim was a nickname given to Simran by him.

"Thank you." Anaira replied blushing.

Anaira recalled Nishant from yesterday. He was the same person who was talking to Simran yesterday in the break out area.

Aditya didn't like his friend flirting with Anaira.

He asked Nishant "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to discuss something about the meeting which we have in the afternoon." He said.

Anaira excused herself and came out of Aditya's cabin. She went to Simran and asked her "Hey, who's this Nishant? He seems fun." she said.

She noticed that Simran blushed at the mention of Nishant's name. "He leads the technology team here. He's also Adi sir's friend." she replied

"Oh, I haven't seen anyone talking so leisurely to our boss. He's a charmer I must say." Anaira said.

"Did you by any chance develop a crush on him in the first meeting itself?" Simran asked. Her tone was hesitant.

Anaira guessed that there must be something. "Of course. He's so handsome and funny. Who wouldn't like him?" Anaira replied.

Simran's face fell after listening to her words. Anaira understood that there must be something serious.

"Sim Sim, don't worry. I was just kidding. He's all yours." she said

Simran was relaxed and shocked at the same time. "What are you saying? There's nothing like that." she said.

"I know there's something. It's okay if you don't want to share it with me. I completely understand." Anaira replied smiling.

"There's nothing I can't share with you. Nishant and I have been dating for sometime now." Simran said blushing.

"See, I'm so smart. I knew there's something when he called you as Sim Sim itself. And yesterday I saw you talking to him in the break out area. You were so lost in him." Anaira said.

"Smarty-pants!" Simran hugged Anaira smiling.

Soon it was lunch time. Simran and Anaira were sitting on a table. Nishant joined them after few minutes. He called Aditya to have lunch with them but Aditya had refused. He usually ate in his cabin itself.

Nishant sometimes joined him in the cabin feeling sad to leave his friend alone. He had to balance his friendship and love life both.

Days went by and it was Friday already. Nishant too had become a good friend along with Simran with his funny nature. Anaira had invited Simran and Nishant to her place on Saturday for a small get-together. Anaira admired this couple. They were so cute she thought.

Simran had promised her that she will help her with cooking. Nishant asked Anaira to invite Aditya as well but she was a bit hesitant to do that. What if he refused on her face? She thought.

What Anaira didn't know was that Nishant and convinced Aditya to go with them and wanted it to be a surprise for her.

END of Chapter 9!

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