Chapter 35

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Chapter 35:

Next morning, Anaira woke up first. She couldn't get much sleep because of the thoughts running in her mind.

She got fresh and was making herself a cup of coffee when Aditya cleared his throat. He had washed his face and looked better than last night.

She turned to look at him and Aditya said "Good morning".

Anaira wished him back and told him "I didn't make anything for you to drink. You didn't drink the tea I made when I was staying at your place. So I thought you wouldn't like if I made anything for you. But please feel free to make anything you like. There's milk in the fridge and other things on the shelf."

Aditya felt awkward. Though he was really tempted at the offer of making coffee for himself because he really needed it at that moment, he told her it's fine and he didn't need it.

He wished that one day Anaira would make him his favourite cup of chai herself, willingly. He was ready to wait for that moment.

Anaira was never going to forget all those things. She was a very sensitive person and her mind was an expert at storing the painful memories.

She went and sat on the couch followed by him. Both of them a bit hesitant to start a conversation.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here last night." It was Aditya who spoke first.

Anaira didn't say anything.

"I don't know what I was thinking coming here. But I just wanted to see you once. I wanted to make sure you were okay. You were not coming to office as well. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable by coming here." he told her what was in his mind truthfully.

"Thanks for your concern but I'm not okay with you coming here drunk. I just wanted some time to sort out my thoughts. I can't forget everything and be normal all of a sudden. It's not possible!" Anaira told him a bit irritated.

Truth to be told, a teeny-weeny part of her was happy to see him. But dare she admit that.

"This past year has been hell for me. I have never been so miserable my entire life. Now when I come to know that all that suffering was because you didn't trust me, I don't know what to say. I don't know how many times I've wondered trying to figure out if I did any mistake for you to behave that way with me. I thought I must have hurt you unknowingly. I know I didn't tell you about my family but that wasn't a big deal I thought. The way you treated me like I didn't mean anything or our relationship didn't mean anything to you, it has left a huge mark on my heart." Anaira continued tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"When dad asked me to come to Mumbai, I was a bit hesitant. I didn't want to face you again. But my heart knew that I wanted to see you. I wanted answers. Now that I've got the answers I'm not able to digest it. I was trying to move on and I was preparing myself to accept the reality. I was making some progress as well. But what should I do now? I'm back to square one again." she said as a few tear drops rolled on her cheeks.

For some odd reason today, she wanted to let everything out. Her thoughts, her frustration and her anger. She usually kept her thoughts to herself but something pushed her to speak.

Anaira was starting to prepare herself to move on. But now he was back asking for her forgiveness. She didn't know how to react to these sudden turn of events.

Aditya didn't know what to say in his defence. He knew that it was his mistake and he didn't want to hurt Anaira by forcing her to take any decision in his favour.

He couldn't stand her crying anymore. He went towards her trying wipe her tears.

"I'm sorry Anaira. Please don't cry. I can't see you like this." he said as he lifted his hands to wipe her tears.

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