23|| Such a perv

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A paper flied out my locker as soon as I opened it and as the other times my heart skipped a beat as I reach for it before anyone else noticed

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A paper flied out my locker as soon as I opened it and as the other times my heart skipped a beat as I reach for it before anyone else noticed. A quick glance at it was enough to glanced the dark letters across it saying 'fake whore'. Fisting it into a ball I threw it back in before grabbing the posterboard for Economy's presentation and shut it closed.

The same person's been leaving hate notes like this one the whole week. I know its all the same person because they used the same caligrafhy and insults every time. Talking about originality, uh? The first day was the worst, not only because I wasn't expecting it but because it wasn't only a note. It was a printed picture of me. Kneeling on the school's back yard, head down and arms protectively over my shirtless torso as rain poured over me. This must be the picture Noel had taunted me about. Judging by its looks, it could only had been taken by Jade or Shannon and considering Jade's still expelled despites her parents efforts my bet would be on the brunette. Really, that girl gave me chills.

I was mortified it would come out and people would see me like this, but no. It only appeared in my locker, not in the advertising board nor hanging in the hallways. It was like a way to intimidate me but without making it too hardcore since now it was clear this kind of actions had punishments.

I kept the picture, in case I'd need it to report if this kept going but since then all I get were those childish insults. I mean, they hurt, but not much. I can handle them.

And now that I was running late for Economy I honestly couldn't care less. 

I was so late that the hallway was already almost clear of students, just a few like me splashed around gathering things or running towards their class. My steps halted harshly when I reached the next corner and my eyes set on certain someone.


Cold sweat covered my spine.

Luckly, Noel was busy talking to some other soccer player so I took that as my chance to walk back my steps. I'm taking the long way then. If my heart wasn't pounding so hard I would sigh at how late I'm surely going to be now.

The phone buzzed in my pocked and I slipped it out as I made my way fast down the hallway, my brows knitting together when Dylan's name popped in the screen.

DYLAN: hi!!

                its drew

I had to read it twice to make sure I wasn't imagining things. I wasn't, and the bewilderment only increased. Drew? The gorgeous girl whose helping me with the possible college opportunity? Why was she contacting me?

There was only one way to find out.

ALYSON: Hi! whats up?

The response didn't take much.

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