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Hello everyone, its been quiet a while since i updated, a lot had been going on so i was unable to write and when i did, it wasn't up to my best mark and it would've been unfair to you guys if i wasn't delivering the story right.

Fast forward to a month ago or less, corona virus happened, our CAIE exams kept on getting delayed and no one knew what was going on until a day ago they announced them cancelled, apparently they're going for expected grades now, its got everyone on edge and frustrated, I'll start writing as soon as this mess of an exam is figured out in a day or two.

Till then everyone please stay safe and stay home, the more you practice self quarantine the better it is for everyone, please don't go out its just a matter of time before everything is over with, take care, sanitise, and wash your hands a lot.

Love you all, ill be updating in a day or so

Peace out.

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