chapter 36

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1 month later

'stupid protective Lycan,' venue huffed angrily stuffing her 4th pancake in her mouth and chewing on it like she had all the time in the world,

 it's like the man didn't even know what space was, he was always after her, heck this morning he decided he wanted to carry her down the stairs after Venus had grounded out a firm no, the stubborn lycan picked her up and sauntered down the staircase.

 her angry outburst fell deaf on his ears, she was going to be round and fat in a week if this kept up, she was only two months along and he was acting like this, the thought of how he would be when she was a few months pregnant from now made her shudder.

The first few weeks were hectic with the checkups and always being careful but she had now learned to get used to it.

James and Sophia would visit every second day and they were also very protective of her, it wasn't only a friend thing but she was the luna carrying the future heir, so the protectiveness therein doubled.

'hey soph,' Venus said, hearing the front door open, even her senses had heightened, she could smell and hear people from even further distances now,

'V you need to stop doing that it freaks me out,' Sophia huffed, 

'wheres my godchild,' 

'she's with her nanny, Knox refused to leave her all morning I had to usher him out, it's funny seeing a big man so helplessly in love with her,' 

'wheres James?'

'he said he w-' Sophia got cut off when James sauntered into the house, dramatically taking his sunglasses off he waved his hand in front of his face,

'Venus why is it so hot,'

'uhhh ... James honey I-I don't control the weather you know?'

'bitch you're carrying a miracle, I thought you'd have a few other tricks up your sleeve too,' 

Sophia giggled at this and Venus rolled her eyes, she hadn't stopped hearing miracle jokes ever since that meeting they had a month ago, it's like he expected her to present him with unicorns shitting rainbows.

The day before they had decided to go to the orphanage and that's exactly what they did, finishing breakfast they drove there and spent the day there,

James would often visit Jack or take him out to ice cream with Gabriel,

 While poppy had grown up since the last time they met and they all had a fun time, venus was careful with the games they would play and participated in softer games like passing the pillow, heads up and some board games, Dante had called a few times to check in on her and told her to be careful.

it was around 5 that they decided to return home, exhausted they decided to watch a movie, halfway through venus fell asleep.

hours later she left herself being picked up and taken somewhere, then being tucked into covers and a warm kiss on her forehead that made her smile sleepily and she fell into a deep slumber.

3 months later 

It was the first time in her pregnancy that venus felt the pains, not the normal pregnancy cramps, it was the serious pains that elder Brahms warned them about.

Dante was sitting beside the bed that Venus lay on with his jaw clenched so hard she feared he would grind his molars into oblivion, waves of pain took over her leaving her sweating and trembling.

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