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The rest of the class gulped. The question was hard, and even they could not answer it. Ariella stood, already knowing the answer to the seemingly difficult question that the teacher had given. "The answer is true. For a function to be continuous at x = a, like f(x) as x approaches a must be equal to f(a) and obviously the limit must exist and f(x) must be defined at x = a."

Mr Ambrose looked surprised that Ariella even knew the answer. He nodded his head, briefly acknowledging her intelligence and resumed lecturing the class about continuity. Many of the class gaped at Ariella, surprised. Ariella paid no mind to their staring and took notes of what was written. She had to admit, it was strange using a pen instead of a quill, but she can't exactly use a quill in public without being suspicious. It was hard to break habit, after all, she had been using a quill for nearly seven years. After the class was finished, Ariella was one of the last ones out, since she still had to let Mr Ambrose sign the slip that Mrs Cope had given her. Ariella quickly left the classroom after Mr Ambrose signed the slip and looked for her next subject, which was History.

Unfortunately for her, Miss Beau was already inside and waiting for other students to arrive. The teacher glared at Ariella upon entering the class. "Nice of you to join us today, Miss Swan. Thank you for gracing us with your presence."

"I'm sorry for being late to your class, Miss Beau. I'm afraid Mr Ambrose took his sweet time signing my slip and I got lost on the way here." Ariella hung her head in slight disappointment.

Miss Beau shook her head. "Go sit next to Miss Hale, over there."

She pointed to a blonde woman sitting at the back of the class. Ariella followed her obediently and sat down next to the blonde woman.

"I like your wardrobe choices." The woman stated, observing Ariella's outfit.

"Thank you." Ariella smiled at the woman. "My name is Ariella Swan, and I just transferred from Scotland, if you can't tell from my accent."

"My name is Rosalie Hale." The woman introduced herself as well. "I have a feeling we'll get along great, Ariella. May I call you Ella?"

Ariella looked surprised. "Oh, uh, sure! I don't mind. Can I call you Rose?"

"Nearly everyone in my family calls me Rose." Rosalie laughed quietly. "Sure, I don't mind."

Finding happiness upon making a new friend, a streak of blonde appeared on Ariella's head. Rosalie, having caught sight of the blonde contrasting in her hair, said,. "I like it, it suits you."

Ariella thanked the woman and the two fell into an easy conversation. The teacher giving them a project interrupted their small conversation. "Class, please make an essay about the French Revolution and the American Revolution against the British. I'm expecting these essays on my table next week. No less than 3 papers, do you understand?"

"Yes, Miss."

After Miss Beau dismissed them, Rosalie asked Ariella if she wanted to work together with her. Apparently, she had a brother who was crazy about wars and history, and probably knew something about their essay. Ariella quickly accepted the offer thankfully. She knew a lot about wizarding history, but she only knew a sliver of the muggles history. She was grateful to have a friend like Rosalie. The rest of the morning was a blur to Ariella, and when lunch came, she was a bit disappointed. She was one of the people who loved going to classes and loved homework.

Rosalie had kindly invited her to eat lunch with them and she accepted it quickly as well. She didn't want to eat lunch alone.

magic • j. hale [✓]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora