Chapter 28

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"Meet you where?" Edward asked.

"Phoenix." Bella said, in a 'duh' voice. Ariella rolled her eyes.

"No, he'll hear that that's where you're going." Edward said impatiently.

"And you'll make it look like a ruse, obviously. He'll know that we'll know that he's listening. He'll never believe I'm actually going where I say I'm going." Bella responded.

"She's diabolical." Jasper chuckled.

"And if that doesn't work?" Ariella asked.

"There are several million people in Phoenix." Bella informed us.

"It's not that hard to find a phonebook." Edward rolled his eyes.

"Look, if we try to take him down while she's still around, there's a much better chance that someone will get hurt – she'll get hurt. Or you will, trying to protect her." Jasper reasoned.

"Jasper, can you handle this?" Edward asked. "Ariella?"

"Oh, cut us some slack, Edward." Ariella rolled her eyes as well. "We've been doing good so far, aren't we?"


Bella stormed out of the house with tears in her eyes. Ariella and Jasper looked at each other, and Jasper drove the jeep to the Cullen residence quickly. After a few minutes, they had already arrived, and everyone was already getting ready to leave. Rosalie and Ariella glanced at each other before engulfing each other in a big hug.

Pulling away, Ariella said, "Rose, promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise, you do the same, alright?" Rosalie said.

"That goes without saying." Ariella chuckled. Suddenly, Ariella caught sight of Laurent with Carlisle. It seemed as though Edward had also seen Laurent and bared his teeth in anger.

"I come in peace." Laurent raised his hands. Ariella glanced at Carlisle, who nodded his head. Ariella waved her hand to relax Edward. Edward glared at her but relaxed nonetheless. "I must warn you. James is lethal. I haven't seen anything like him in my time in his coven."

"We understand." Ariella chose to spoke. "But, observing your diet, it would rid us of great discomfort if you leave right now and never choose to come back here again."

"Understood." Laurent nodded. He exited the house and Ariella looked at Carlisle solemnly.

"What are we to do now, Carlisle?" Ariella asked.

The Cullen family, plus the Swan sisters, gathered in the garage to discuss and strategize. Carlisle and Ariella made most of the plans. Jasper spoke up. "There are not that many ways to kill one of our kind. It will be difficult –"

"But not impossible." Emmett interrupted.

"I still feel uneasy about murdering another one." Carlisle says. "Even if it is someone as lethal as James."

"I rather him be hurt than one of us." Rosalie says.

"I second that." Alice pipes up.

"Rose, Esme, can you wear one of Bella's shirts to ward off the female?" Edward pleads.

"Why? What is she to us?" Rosalie scoffs.

"Just –" Edward slightly falters. "If you won't do it for her then at least do it for me."

Rosalie sighs. "Fine."

It didn't take that long for the two female vampires to change. Carlisle says, "Now, James. As of the moment, all we know is that he will go to the end of the world to find Bella. You've led him to believe that she is going anywhere but Phoenix, yes?"


[ surprise, surprise! +3 chapters today, woohoo! ]

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