Chapter 25 ✅

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Chapter Twenty Five- Your sister is my problem


Our hearts fell in a strange but comfortable sync, beating together as one. I leaned my head on her and breathed peaches into my lungs. She always had smelled like peaches, making my mouth watery. I always had been hungry for her. Now more than ever. She was becoming my new addiction and I hated that.

I licked my dry lips and watched as sun broke into the sky and hues of different shades of yellow mixed with pale pink and light orange broke in the sky.

I felt her chest breathing evenly and knew she had fallen asleep.

I never knew what she kept closed behind the bars of her heart. I had always seen her laughing, smiling, and only finding good in people. Even in people who weren't worth it. Like me, like Brianna, like the guy who attacked her.

She's too good for her own good. Too forgiving. Too kind.

Way too irresistible for me. Avoiding her was harder than anything I had ever experienced in my life. Each time I had to walk away from her, it killed me.

But, I couldn't cheat on Jeanette. What happened the other night had went far enough. She was there, in my room, in my shirt. Her back to me and her silky smooth skin inviting me. Her shoulders and half back was bare. It was too much and I couldn't control myself even when I wanted to. I had been caging my heart for too long and it dawned on me that it wasn't in my control when I realized I didn't hate her. I couldn't hate her.

She brought out a different side of me. I wanted to be good. For her. And it only made me pull back from her.

I wanted to hate her and it only became impossible. It's been just over a month since they all invaded my home, my life, and it already felt like it's been years. Because they'd grown on me. Especially her.

I liked watching her eat breakfast with me, sharing couple of dinners too. I loved the way she laughed when Jamey randomly struck us with a weird fact. I loved how she stood strong in front of her brother at the street race night and then again in front of Arnold.

She's crazy and kept putting herself in danger. Another one of the things we both shared.

The piercing of on her belly, the tattoo on her arm told another story about her-- about her dark past. She's strong and brave and didn't easily give up. I had been thrown off the bridge every time she did something which I never expected from her. Like standing up to me, more times I could count.

She brought both my good and bad side, balancing me out. And I hated that. I wanted to hate her for that. She made me want to tell her things I'd never told anyone about my life.

I took a breath, shutting off all those thoughts and thrashing them out the back door of my head.

Pushing her loose strands behind her ear, I gazed at her adorable freckles and that tiny mole at the center of her chin-- which had been haunting my dreams ever since the afternoon in Nurse's office.

She was my blank canvas and for the first time in years my fingers itched to draw something-- to draw her. Every feature and flaw of her. Every curve and every expression of hers. All of her.

But, what the hell was I doing?

This couldn't happen.

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