54 - Rejection & Reconciliation

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Mia's Pov

"Could you wait up Mia?"

"Yes?",I said as I entered the doors of Ashwood High.

He followed behind me and I heard him sigh.

"I just want to talk to you",he said as he watched me open my locker.

"Talk to me or kiss me again?", I gave Marcellous a look.

"I'm sorry, Mia",he said but I was now digging inside my locker for my History textbook."Just look at my handsome face and forgive me",he smiled.

I couldn't help but look at him and smile. His face was handsome. Extremely.

"Would you just listen to me?",Marcellous ran his fingers through his hair.

"I am listening", I closed my locker and gave him my undivided my attention.

"I'm sorry for everything, I shouldn't have kissed you. It won't happen again. Well unless you want it to."

"Unless I want it to?"

"Mia, you know I like you and I know you feel something too. So why don't you just give us a chance?",Marcellous' said almost as if he was confused as to why I wasn't totally in love with him.

"I do feel something but it doesn't matter because it's never going to happen okay? I wouldn't do that to Penelope. We may not be the best of friends right now but she has my loyalty. So I think we should just stay away from each other",I said as I turned and headed toward the courtyard where I promised Sarah I would meet her. I didn't look back.

The courtyard was already filled with students bragging about the things they did the past week. The exotic places they visited and the gourmet food they ate,and most importantly the foreign hook ups they managed to achieve.While the only hook up I achieved was hooking up my cell phone to the WiFi so I could stream Teen Wolf.

I spotted Sarah talking to a guy and a girl, the guy seemed familiar for some reason but I couldn't quite remember where I had seen him.

"What's up", I greeted them with a smile.

"Hey Mia",Sarah hugged me. "You remember Ronaldo,we went to his party and this is Anna-Leigh his sister",Sarah introduced.

I knew I'd seen him before.The guy who loaned his house to a couple hundred sweaty teenagers so they could fornicate. How could I possibly forget him?

"Mia, yes you aided in raiding my Bourbon stash",Ronaldo laughed.

"Ah yes, but honestly that was just Sarah she's your perp",I shrugged.

They erupted in laughter and I questioned why I hadn't seen Jamie yet. I just wanted to see him. His smile would make everything better. His smile always made everything better.

"Chi Chi!"

I was brought back to the land of the land of the living by all Yoko's weight dragging me down like gravity. Her embrace startled me but I welcomed it. I had missed her. I felt like I was losing her for some reason, maybe because of everything that happened between Penelope and I. Everything was changing but I didn't want things between Yoko and I to change.That was one thing I never wanted to change.
She was one of the constant things in my life.She was my gravity.

"I missed you!",she said catching her breath after breaking away from the hug.

"I missed you too,how was Michigan?",I replied after she greeted Sarah and Ronaldo. That's when I noticed that Anna Leigh was no longer with us.

"It was eventful, grandma made scrambled eggs everyday, the only part I hated was being with Sun Li" ,Yoko rolled her eyes.

"Who's Sun Li?",Sarah asked in confusion.

"The Anti-Christ, also known as my little sister."

Yoko always complained that her sister was annoying. I never saw it though. She was just a few years younger, she would have been getting to high school soon.She was a petite little girl and whenever I saw Sun Li she was always polite and I liked the fact that she understood my jokes.

"A bit too harsh there Yoko don't you think?",I shrugged with a smile.

"Whatever Chi Chi,did you see Penelope?",Yoko inquired.

Penelope hadn't told her yet. I wondered why. I knew Penelope,she would have turned Yoko against me by now. It was her nature. I knew that because she had done it to Kate Richards. Kate was our friend back in the ninth grade. When Kate was seen talking to some blonde haired jock that Penelope had her eye on it was over for her. Penelope easily convinced us all that Kate had commited the greatest sin in the history of sinning and we stopped associating with her.
I was known for going with the flow back then. I didn't question it,I just did what everyone did. That changed in the tenth grade. I learned a lot that year,especially with my father dying. It taught me that I wasn't supposed to go with the flow but rather create my own flow. Even if I was creating a tsunami.

"Earth to Mia",Sarah's voice made me snap out of trance mode.

My thoughts kept taking over for some reason and I found myself zoning out. It always happened but not so much that I had to be brought back to reality every five seconds.

"I am here",I said swiftly.

"Doesn't seem like it",Sarah said and I noticed that it was just her and I. Why was I not noticing people leave. It was like they were just disappearing in front of my eyes. Was that a thing?Could people do that now?

"Listen, you can tell me anything you know. I am here to listen",Sarah put her hands on my shoulders.

I took a deep breath and I didn't breathe out until I I felt like my brain was about to explode.

"I'm okay."

She dropped her hands to her sides and shook her head.
"Mia, I don't want you to keep things from me. Please",Sarah's voice sounded like disappointment. As if I had just told her I didn't trust her.

I felt like I had hurt her, I didn't like feeling that way. Cause for some reason I could feel it too. It was more than just empathy and it was weird.

"It's my anxiety okay? I had it for a while after my dad died but now It's back and worse than ever."


"I don't know if it's cause of Jamie,or my grades or because of Penelope and Marcellous..."

"Slow down, Mia. You need to tell me everything."

Empty.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora