Chapter 8: Feelings

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We get into Draco's dorm and I realise that he doesn't have a roommate. A grab the notebook from his bag and begin to write. Where's your roommate?

I dont have one. I must've shown a mix of pity and confusion on my face, because he smiled at me and shrugged.

Why? What about Blaise?

We chose our roommates in first year. You can't switch at all. I was always really quiet, obviously, and no one wanted to room with me. There was an odd number of us anyways.

I'm sorry. I would've chosen to be your roommate. You're too cute to say no to. It took him a minute, but the redness in his cheeks and ears were evident.

Don't do that.

Do what?

Say cheesey, romantic things like that without warning me. He giggles and I couldn't help but admire him. His bright blond hair, deep grey eyes, and chiseled chin. He is literally the most beautiful boy in the world.

I woke up from my admiration by the means of Draco's fingers snapping in my face. I tilted my head to the side as if to say what? He gestured to the book and I noticed there were more words.

For the record, I think you're pretty attractive yourself. But I'm tired. Can we get ready for bed now? After nodding, I realise I forgot clothes, and Draco's shirts would be too skinny for me. I decide to borrow a pair of his pants, and just go topless. Draco did quite the opposite. He was only wearing boxers and an old white t-shirt.

I can't believe this gorgeous creature decided to be with somebody like me. It was just then, as we were lying down to cuddle before bed, that I remembered one sign that I learned myself. I poked him to get his attention, and when he turned around I held up three fingers: my thumb, my pointer, and my pinky. Just so I could say I love you.

I kissed him goodnight and fell asleep, my boyfriend in my arms


Draco's POV

I'm telling you guys, he said 'I love you' last night. And I didn't say it back! He just kissed me and went to sleep!

Blaise was the first one to provide his support. I'm sure he just didn't want you to feel obligated to say it back. He doesn't want to push you into something you don't want.

Yeah, and he doesn't seem hurt by it in the slightest. Look at him, he looks more happy this morning than I've ever seen him. I'm not going to lie, they had a point.

Alright, I guess you're right. I just wish he would've let me show him that I loved him too. Because I do!

Well mate, maybe you should do just that.


Show him your love. Like, actually show him! Plan some romantic dinner or a nice walk in the forest.

Or! You could wait until next week before we leave for Christmas break, and kiss him under the mistletoe.

I actually think you guys are onto something.


Harry's POV

"I'm telling you guys. I have never felt more accomplished and happy in my entire life."

"We can tell. Now what happened exactly?" Ron still wasn't back from the dorms. Blaise gave us a heads up that it might be a while. But Hermione and Ginny are here.

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