Chapter 16: Remodelling

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"Dutro!" It was finally time we start redoing Hagrid's hut. I'm currently turning the cheap clay blocks we bought at a muggle store, and turning them into stone to become the building blocks for our new add-on to the house.

Draco and Lily are outside conjuring the decorative belongings from our house. "You're the only heavy lifter here love. Might wanna call Sirius or Arthur to help." He had said. Yet here I am, doing this all alone because I'm proving a point. And Lily's room is coming along nicely I might add; just two more walls and a ceiling, then it's Draco's department.

"Daddy, daddy! We're finished with the magic!"

"Is that right punpkin?" I say without turning to look at her.

"Yes! Now it's time to blecorate! Papa says I get to pick out the colors for my room after we're done with that too!"

"Awesome sauce." I feel a cold hand on the back of my neck, it's much to large to be Lily's so I lean back onto it. "Hello darling." I close my eyes and allow myself to relax into my fiancé's cool touch.

"How's it going love?" He starts to run his hand through the hair on the back of my head.

"I'm- making progress." I sigh.

"Ready to admit I was right?" All I can do is nod and reach out for him. He sits on my lap like he's done a thousand times before and gently tugs on a strand of hair, one, two, three times.

"I'll go call Uncle Sirius! Have fun lovebirds!" We both giggle at the phrase she had learned from Granny Molly.

I look up at Draco again. "We've already got some buyers for the flat." He shoots me an intrigued look so I continue, "A couple of muggle college students are willing to pay what we asked for rent every month, so we'll have some spare muggle money in the bank." I lean upwards for a kiss, he accepts

"Ewww save that for the bedroom!"

I jump backwards. "Lily! Where'd you learn to say that?"

"Uncle Ronald says it all the time."

"Well, I'm going to have to have a talk with what Uncle Ronald says around a ten year old shouldn't I?" She shrugs and skips off, teddybear tucked under her arm. I hear Draco giggle.


"You and Lily will be able to start decorating the room tomorrow evening."

"In the afternoon, Lily convinced me to plant flowers in the flower beds with magic. She really adjusts well to our world."

"Indeed. Its surprising how well she's adjusted to everything in the first place. I mean-" I pause to cast a sound-blocking spell over our room. "She just lost her mum, the only family she's ever known, and moved in with two complete strangers, giving her TWO fathers, when she'd never had one!"

"Do you believe in fate Harry?"

"Well, I mean yeah."

"Think about how she would've adjusted if she had to move in with another woman? She might've never been able to call her mum." He paused to turn and look at me. "I mean what're the chances of her wandering into the park, the same day we weren't even supposed to be there?"

"And the fact that she found someone who wanted to help rather than hurt her."

"She's a lucky girl Harry, and we're her lucky break."

I smile, leaning forward to kiss my blonde on the forehead. "You know, fate led me to you."

"How so?" He brought his body closer to me, nestling his head into my chest.

"If I hadn't left to change into my robes when I did, I never would've come back to Ron and Hermione snogging, and I never would've found you, all alone."

"You were my first friend at Hogwarts. No one ever gave me a chance. They found out I was deaf, and walked away."

"Do you miss it? The silence?"

"Sometimes, it was calming back then. It feels like forever ago."

"Yeah it does. If someone were to tell me three years ago that at the age of 18, I'd be a father of a ten-year-old girl with my mother's name, engaged to a blonde, beautiful man, and renovating Hagrids hut to live in, I wouldn't have believed them!"

"If someone would've told me that'd I'd be able to hear one day, and it's by the handiwork of a beautiful man, I would've called them crazy and mentally blocked them." We laugh, and lay in comfortable silence for a while.

"Thank you for being my future Harry." He whispers before we both drift off.

Our sleep is interrupted by screams from Lily's bedroom. Without a second thought, I run out of our room, wearing nothing but my underwear, Draco close behind.

"Lily! Lily sweetheart... it's just a bad dream." I gently shake her, she's screaming for her mother. She opens her eyes with a start and suddenly clings to my body.

"It was so awful Daddy. Make the dreams go away." I stroke her hair sending calming shushes her way. I look to Draco for support, but he has already taken out his hearing aids. He has just learned to follow me when I jump out of bed and run.

"Accio glass of water." I hand her the cup that appears. "Here Lilypad. Drink this. Are you okay now? Or do you want to sleep with papa and me?"

"Can I sleep here? But with my picture?"

"Of course darling." I gesture at Draco to get the picture of her mother out of the living room. "Whatever you want."

I finish tucking her into bed, leaving a half-glass of water on her bedside table. Draco grabs my hand and we walk back to our room. "I love you daddy! Tell papa too, I know he can't hear me right now."

"Okay Lily, sleep tight."


"Draco darling! The room is all ready for you, I'm going to take a short trip and visit an old friend. I'll come back for dinner, and tomorrow, Lily's going to come on a trip with me." He looked confused as to why i was leaving him out. "Blaise and Pansy are coming over. You wont be alone." After that, he went into full neat-freak mode. Merlin-forbid there be one speck of dust out of place.

I walk over to peck them each on the cheek and walk outside. I walk past hogwarts grounds and apparate into professor McGonagall's living room.

"Have a biscuit Harry."

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