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The sound of a whine woke me as I moved my arm to feel a tounge.

Clover licked my hand as I peeked out and watched him.

I slowly moved the huge arm hanging off of me and wiggled out of Namjoon's embrace.

After successfully doing so, the wheels in my brain began turning as I looked back at the small puppy.

"How did you get in here? The door was closed last night?" I whispered to myself before standing up and looking at the door to see Tannie standing there as well.

The door was cracked and confusion flew through me as I walked towards it.

They followed me down the hallway to the kitchen where I grabbed some dog food and placed it in the tiny bowls, setting them down.

My eyes stopped at the clock and I smirked.

It's already 9am and not a single soul is awake?

I smiled to myself while watching the small animals eat.

After a few seconds, I heard footsteps coming from the hallway.

I turned around to see a sleepy Hobi walking towards the kitchen.

"Good Morning Haneun~"

"Morning Hobi~"

He stopped next to me while messing with his hair, looking down at the dogs eating.

"They're making me hungry~"

"Want me to make something? I kinda want pancakes.."

Hobi's smile grew wide as he listened to me.

"Pancakes sound good!"

I chuckled and nodded before opening the fridge.


After a good 20 minutes, Hobi and I were standing in front of the stove, sniffing the cooking pancakes.

"What are you two doing?"

We quickly turned around to see Jin walking towards us.

After a few seconds the smell hit him as he stood near us, watching the pan.

"Those smell good~"

We nodded with grins before I flipped the pancakes.

As plates began piling up with more pancakes, more bodies revealed themselves, Tae and Yoongi coming out next.

"It smells good so I had to come see what was happening-"

Jimin and Namjoon appeared next, gasping at the sight of the pancake tower.

And last but not least, Jungkook came peeking out of the hallway, gasping once he saw everyone else already awake.

"I'm the last one again?"

Chuckles were exchanged throughout the room as I flipped the last pancake onto the plate.

"They're done!"

The members happily clapped while grabbing the toppings.

They began filling up their plates and digging in.

As I started washing the pans, the door opened.

"Are you guys ready to go-?" Sana stopped in her tracks as all of Bangtan looked up to her with pancake filled mouths.

"What are you doing you were supposed to be ready right now!"

"Ready for what?" Jimin confusedly mumbled while chewing his pancake.

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