Aunt May

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Chapter 1

Tony Stark knows what he is capable of. Being one of the most powerful man in the world he'd never thought that he'll end up in this kind of situation. He'd never peg to be a father figure to anyone but one boy.

Peter Parker.

"M-Mr. Stark.." the shaking voice he heard never sound so small before.

"C'mere kid." He pulls the teen up to his feet and the teen quickly went in his arms. Not knowing what to do for a moment he allowed his body to automatically move and just put protective arms around the shaking child.

"A-Aunt May.. she's.. s-she's.." Peter almost choke with his sobs as it get louder, muffling over Stark's expensive shirt. He didn't mind the suit nor the shirt. He just wanted to protect the kid even more. He just had no idea how.

When he got the call he never thought this will be the reason. Not at all. He already signed up before to be the 2nd guardian of Peter Parker just in case of emergency. But this event is far from emergency. It's critical..

"C'mon let's get you home. I'll take care of everything. You're staying with me okay?" Peter nod over his chest. His cheek pressing against the arc reactor. His shoulders jerking at every sudden hiccups as he sobs.

"Happy call Pepper. Ask her to fix the papers and.. May. We'll wait in the car."

"Sure.. " Happy said lost for words as he grab his phone and watch Tony grab his handkerchief, pulling Peter away for a bit to wipe his tear stained cheeks. The sight of puffy red eyes and full on sobbing kid was not good for his heart.

"Come with me." Tony said wrapping an arm over his shoulders and guided the kid out of the Hospital.

The moment they got in the car, he strap the kid in who's gripping on his handkerchief with one hand and gripping on Tony's hand on the other.

"M-Mr. Stark.."

"Shh.. it's okay. Why don't you lean on me and get some rest first." Peter could only nod as his head drop on his mentor's shoulder. The seatbelt restricting him a bit.

"I'm here kid.." Tony could only mutter as he feel the boy's cold shaking hand in his.

The drive back to the compound was long and was in silence. Even Happy was checking the boy by the mirror every now and then. Peter stayed silent. Occasionally sniffing and Tony lifting his big calloused hand to wipe his cheeks.

"We're here, bud." Peter moved slowly, moving away from Tony. He unclasp his seatbelt and before he can even open his door. Happy open it for him. Tapping his shoulder.

"We got you kid." He says and Tony wrap an arm around his shoulder again.

"Tony, Pepper said to send her a text if you're availble for the call. She's already preparing for everything." Happy said still eyeing Peter who leans his weight over Tony's side.

"Yeah.. thanks Hap." Tony finally drags Peter to the elevator. Rubbing the kid's arm as if to ease his trembling.

"Friday to my floor please."

"Right away boss."

"Do you want to eat first?" Peter lifts his hand to fist on Tony's suit. Not liking the way it felt rough against his cold palms. He shakes his head, burrying his nose to Tony's side.

Peter Parker Stark 1 (IronDad & SpiderSon fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora