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Chapter 8


Peter sits up, pulling the IV needle off his hand. He slowly stands up, walking out in a bee line towards the elevator. He went up the living area. No one was there. Everyone are waiting at the med bay. He can hear them all.

They're waiting for Tony's operation to finish.. even Pepper..

Pepper is there. And she's crying.

Don't I really deserve these? Is that why everyone just keeps leaving me?

My luck is something else. Peter opens the cabinets and he finally found it.

The medicines. Specifically the supersoldier medicine.

He held the small pill bottle in his shaky hand. Staring at it for another second before placing it in his pocket. He close the cabinets and went up to his room.

He sits down on his bed, staring at down at his bare feet. Closing his eyes and silencing everything else.
His hand reach back in his pocket. Gripping the small pill bottle in it. He didn't took it out. He knows how many capsules are there. About 12 left.. he had 3 when he was sick.

And only one can overdose a normal human.

How about me?

He pulls his hand off his pocket and stared at it trembling. The bottle still in his pockets.

Someone change him into sweats and a white tee that's a size larger.

Pepper probably hates me now that I almost killed her fiancé.

Iron Man almost died because of Spiderman.

That'll be a million dollar headline.

He fell down lying on his side and wince at the sudden ringing in his ears. Stabbing his brain down his spine.

"Peter, Colonel Rhodes is coming up to get you. You need to go back to the medbay. Your condition is yet to be observe." Friday speaks.

"I'll take some medicine Fri.. I'll be fine. Just fine." Peter pulls the covers over his body up to his nose. Gripping the sheets.

With his words Friday will not be suspicious about him taking some medicine in the medicine cabinet.

That's what Peter hopes.


"Pete? Hey kid, why did you get up?" Rhodey came and walks towards Peter's bed staring down at the kid.

"Fri, is he asleep?" Rhodey asks.

"He fell asleep at approximately 2 minutes and 20 seconds ago."


"Due to his enhance healing. His broken ribs are already healed and only bruising. Mild concussion is already healing. The bruising on his arm is also healing."

"Okay.. so.. is it okay to leave him here?"

"My scans shows no sign of harm." Rhodey sighs, rubbing his hand up and down his face.

"Alright, tell me if he wokes up again." Rhodey said finally leaving Peter's room.


Peter woke up again but it was not his nightmare. Not the dream where he kept relieving those moments.

Ben's death..

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