There's my boy..

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Chapter 2

"Boss, Peter seems to be in distress." Tony quickly got up. Chest heavy from Friday's words.

He quickly got out of his room and sprinted towards Peter's room.

"Hey Pete?" The sight of Peter sobbing almost broke his arc reactor heart. Quickly climbing on the bed, he pulls the teen in his arms.

"Shh.. you're okay bud. I'm here." Peter nods against his chest.

"You're okay.." Tony hush his cries, wiping his tears.

"Don't leave Tony.."

"I won't. Do you want to sleep in my room or here?" Tony asks and Peter just scootch to the side.

Knowing the signal, Tony went under the covers and didn't even need to pull the boy close. Peter shakily cuddle with his mentor. Hiding his face over Tony's side.

"Are you comfortable like that Pete?" Peter only nods as Tony moves to lie on his side so Peter can place his head over his arm. Hiding his face over Tony's chest. The humming sound from the arc reactor calming him further.

"Better?" Tony ask but Peter was already half-asleep. Arm around Tony's waist.

"I got you Pete.. I got you." Tony combs back the curls he's getting so fond off and watch the boy sleep.

"Fri.. lights at zero percent." He says his voice muffled but still quiet as he dig his face through the mop of brown curls.

"Good night boss." As soon as the lights turn off, Tony fell asleep under the scent of Peter's shampoo.


Peter notices now that the Avengers never left the compound after dropping by that day. He asks Tony about that and said that they are currently on vacation after the last mission.

So waking up with non other than the Avengers laying around and playing video games was one of the weirdest things that ever happen to him aside from getting bit by a radioactive spider that is. He even thought that he is still dreaming. Waking up with superheroes lounging around.. well you don't get to see that everyday.

"Morning short stuff." Clint pass him as he enters the living area, ruffling his already messy hair.

Was that Hawkeye?

"Peter, hun!" Peter's sleepy eyes lit up with the sight of Pepper by the kitchen counter. He quickly walks in the kitchen and around the counter.

"You're here." Peter hugs her, leaning his head over her shoulder. Pepper didn't know what do at first but her arms automatically wrap up protectively around the boy that she grew so fond off with only few weeks.

Like Tony says.. he grows on you.

She was finally getting used to Peter's morning clingyness. It first happen when he woke up in a nightmare and he will not say a word and just hug her. She knows he does this to Tony too and they already talked about it.

"Rough night?" She said kissing his head and rubbing his back a few times. The only response she got was a slight nod. No matter what they ask or how they ask. Peter never tells them the details of his nightmares. One thing Tony got out of him was it was certainly about May.

Peter Parker Stark 1 (IronDad & SpiderSon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now