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"We're leaving," Bennett seethes, squeezing the life out of my wrist and beginning to drag me towards the exit.

"She doesn't have to leave if she doesn't want to," Harry exclaims a little too cooly, but the fury in his eyes isn't easily hidden. He barely reaches out to grab me, but instantly pulls his hand down, seeming to think better of it.

Bennett finally releases my wrist, a small gasp escaping my lips at the sight of purple and red finger marks imprinted in the skin. I glance up, wincing as I do, to see the rest of the guys running over, wide-eyed at the scene going on around me.

I watch Bennett surge forward like he wants to hit Harry, so I jump in between them quickly, breathing heavily and cursing myself for being so dumb.

I should have never left Bennett, and I sure as hell should have never been so intimate with Harry no matter how good it felt. But, now I'm second guessing why it felt so good, and why my heart stopped beating when I started to realize the truth behind his jealousy.

Placing a hand to Bennett's chest and pushing him back, I can feel Harry's labored breaths hitting against my scalp as I mutter, "Stop, stop."

"Stop!" Eventually, the raising of my voice is the only thing that stops the two boys from mauling each other over with me in the cross flames. I shoot Bennett a warning gaze with my eyes, nodding slowly to let him know that I'm coming, and I just need him to hold on for a second. Just as I turn to face Harry, the rest of the guys come running up.

I reach out and gently nudge Harry's forearm, getting him to finally stop glaring at Bennett and look at me, green eyes softening when he does. The obnoxious music blasting through the club does nothing but make my heart rate skyrocket, beating faster and faster.

"It's okay, Harry," I gulp, voice cracking. "We're gonna go."

Nodding slowly to try and get through to him that it's okay, I rub his arm reassuringly before Bennett is tugging on my other wrist again. "I'm sorry," I whisper to Harry.

"I'm sorry," I say apologetically to the boys who all share nervous glances with each other. The awful feeling that they know what I've done won't leave my already racing mind alone.

The five of them disappear from sight as I follow Bennett to the door, his strong hold unrelenting as we go. When I can no longer see the boys, the panic starts to really set in. I've never seen Bennett so mad. "I'm sorry, Bennett. Okay? I'm sorry," I plead with him as he continues to pull me harshly to the door.

All I want to do is run. I want to run far away from here and hide from Bennett- hide from Harry. I need to get away from here, but I can't. "Let go!" I start to struggle, putting my free hand around his own that holds my wrist in an attempt to push him off, but he's just too strong. "Bennett, I'm not some doll that you can just yank around! Let me go!" I snap at him, starting to wince in pain.

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