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"B, you have to listen to it. Harry never stopped loving you," Kendall says as she jumps from the couch and scurries over to sit next to me, taking my right hand in her's when she takes a seat.

My brown eyes search her's for any sign of a lie, but sadly see none. Part of me was hoping I'd find some form of falsehood within the girl's perfect face, because things would be so much easier for me if I did. But then there's also the part of me that chooses not to believe her despite how genuine her heart is, because so many things that Harry did and continues to do says otherwise.

"He doesn't love me, Kendall. He's moved on with someone else, and he's happier now. I need to do the same."

What hurts the most is how quickly he moved on. Granted, our breakup wasn't the cleanest or the most mutual, I didn't expect to finally get the fresh air of space I needed only to have my feet swept out from under me a few days later when I went to try and reconcile at least somewhat of a friendship between us.

That was the moment that truly sealed the deal of hatred between the two of us, but nothing that involves Harry and I ever seems to be truly mutual, because back then, given the chance, I would have taken the opportunity to be friends with him in a heart beat when he would have dodged it anyway he could. I can't really speak for him, but somehow I feel like the roles have reversed now.

My heart simply can't take it, and even though Kendall and Taylor are both super cool with everything in our shared pasts, something tells me that Harry's new girlfriend wouldn't be crazy about the idea of the two of us reconciling even the slightest bit.

Taylor makes her way over now and sits on my other side, the cushion sinking beneath her weight as she takes my left hand and shares a knowing look with Kendall, both girls doing everything they can to make me feel better.

"Just because someone is in a new relationship doesn't mean they've stopped loving the person from the last one. Harry is just doing what he can to move on from you, because I can guarantee that he thinks you've already moved on from him," the blonde laments, blue eyes pleading with me to believe her.

"And that's not to say he isn't in love with Camille, but for him, it's always been you, Belle. I think Taylor and I both can attest to that," Kendall stares deeply into my eyes before motioning between herself and Taylor Swift, my gaze now switching nervously between the two.

I pull my hands away from the girls and clasp them together in my lap, my eyes staring down at them as I press my lips into a thin line. A deep breath racks through my body, silence falling over the three of us, the only noise being that of the ticking clock on the wall the counts down to my demise.

"What if I don't want to be the one?" I finally ask, looking between my new friends with raised brows and nervous eyes. "How are you even sure that he still feels that way? I know you're both friends with him, but I just find it really hard to believe after what happened between him and me."

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