43: A Small Crush

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(A/N: Random question... About how old do y'all think I am?)

"So what kind of things did you do growing up?"

"When I was younger, I helped my grandpa fish. But then I met Jin and Yoongi, and I trained to be a guard so I could be closer to them. Instead of playing with dolls like the other girls, I was always chasing those two to make sure they didn't do anything stupid," E rambled slighly, sitting on a blanket and wrapping the other one around herself.

Taehyung sat on his chair listening happily to every word. 

"What were they like as children?"

"Monsters," E huffed. "They were such gremlins that it's hard imagine that they both already got themselves a man."

"But you haven't?" Taehyung asked before realizing what it sounded like. "N-not that I'm interested or anything! I just meant that I could see why no one likes you."

Taehyung mentally facepalmed and his eyes widened. What the f*ck just came out of his mouth? He was horrified. 

"F*ck you," E glared. "I bet no one likes you either."

Taehyung hastily cleared his throat. "Why don't you tell me some stories about them? Why were they so bad?"

"The wise Jin you know now used to go into the river with only socks on, and then proceeded to complain that his socks were wet and muddy."

"What?" Taehyung laughed.

"I guess he was only about 6 years old then, but it's still hard to believe he changed so much," E mused.

"Oh! Did they have any cute nicknames that they hate being called?"

"Of course," E grinned devilishly. "Jin used to call Yoongi 'lil meow meow' in front of our court officials. That was amazing to watch."

"Jin was wild."

"Yes he was," E wiped a fake tear. "But he's such a great man now, and I taught him everything he knows."

Taehyung frowned. "He's not that great. I mean, he's okay, but--"

"Woah, don't insult my child in front of me like that."

"Your child?"

"I may be a year or two younger than him, but I still raised him," E insisted. "And I taught him how to raise Yoongi, too."

"Wait, how old are you?"

"I just turned 18 like a month or two ago."

"So that's the real reason why no one has snatched you up yet."


"No one likes you because you are still practically a fetus," Taehyung snickered. 

"Excuse you, I'm a grown adult," E grumbled. "And young or not, I'm a lot more mature than you'll ever be."

"Just a little baby kitty," Taehyung cooed, sticking his fingers by the bars.

"Move your fingers or I'll bite them off."

Taehyung jerked his hand back, making E laugh.

"Kitty needs to be declawed," Taehyung grumbled.

"Why do you keep calling me kitty?"

"You are a feline, are you not?"


"Then it's fitting nickname for you," Taehyung grinned teasingly.

E huffed. "Great. Now I have to waste brain cells thinking of an annoying nickname for you."

"You don't have to give me a nickname."

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum