52: Chubbier

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Yoongi woke up one morning with back pain, immediately groaning.

A groggy Jungkook slowly blinked awake beside him, reaching out and rubbing Yoongi's tummy protectively. "What's wrong, kitten?"

"My back hurts," Yoongi whined, rolling around slightly.

"Do you need me to rub your back?" Jungkook asked, slowly sitting up.

"You're the reason I'm like this. I don't need you touching me. You're just going to make things worse," Yoongi grumbled, scooting away from Jungkook.

Jungkook pouted and opened his mouth to protest, when Beomgyu interrupted with a loud whine.


Jungkook turned away from Yoongi and got up, going to the crib and picking up Beomgyu, who was holding himself on his feet by clinging onto the walls of the crib.

"Look at you, standing up like a big boy all by yourself," Jungkook cooed.

"Dada," Beomgyu giggled, smacking Jungkook's face.

"Ow! Hey! Don't do that!" Jungkook frowned and furrowed his eyebrows, walking over to the bed.

"Mama!" Beomgyu lit up when he saw Yoongi and reached his hands out for him.

Yoongi sat up and smiled, reaching out and taking the year old baby. "How's my little Yuyu doing, huh?"

Beomgyu smacked his lips.

"Are you hungry?"

Beomgyu's eyes sparkled and he reached down and patted Yoongi's small boob. "Mama."

Yoongi inhaled sharply because his chest was sensitive from being way too many months into his pregnancy. He pulled Beomgyu's hand away and forced a smile, setting the baby down in his lap so he could take his shirt off.

"No baby food this morning?" Jungkook asked.

"No, he doesn't look like he wants that mush," Yoongi replied, taking off his shirt. "He won't look away."

Beomgyu was indeed staring at Yoongi's chest while smacking his lips. It had been way too long since his last time breastfeeding and Beomgyu wasn't very happy about it. Yoongi's milk was more delicious than the stupid carrot mush from a jar.

Jungkook got dressed while Yoongi fed Beomgyu, and took the baby from him so that Yoongi could get dressed, too.

Jungkook was changing Beomgyu's diaper and tickling the baby's feet when he heard a small sob from the closet and immediately froze.

"Yoongi, baby, are you alright?"

Another small muffled sob was heard, and Beomgyu whined. "Mama?"

Jungkook picked up Beomgyu and took him out of the room, going a few doors down to the room that Queen Min was staying in, knocking on the door.

The door opened.


"Can you watch Beomgyu for a bit? Yoongi's crying and I need to be with him right now," Jungkook wasted no time, handing the child over while he was explaining.

"Yoongi's what?"

"I'll be back for Beomgyu later, thanks!"

Jungkook rushed back to their room before Min could protest. Closing the door behind him, he made his way to the closet and shoved his way inside.

Yoongi was on the floor, sobbing into his hands.

Jungkook closed the closet door and crouched down next to Yoongi.

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now