XVII: yuna

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"Yoongs, you okay?" I ask as he stares off outside. 

He quickly shakes his head and turns to look at me, slapping an obvious fake smile on, "I'm fine, baby. How was shopping?"

"It was so fun, Daddy! Mummy got me new cereal and cookie ingredients," Chunhei cheers from the backseat, kicking her legs up in excitement. 

"That's amazing, kitten! Let's head to Mummy's so we can put the groceries away," He responds, putting the car in drive. 

During the car ride home, Yoongi stayed silent. As Chunhei babbled on about her new cereal, I reached over the console and grabbed Yoongi's right arm that was laying limply in his lap as he drove. I brought it over to my side, gave it a reassuring squeeze and a soft peck. From the corner of my eye, I saw Yoongi crack a small smile before squeezing my hand back. 

YN's apartment:

"HOME!" Chunhei squeals, throwing her sneakers off and flopping onto the couch. 

"Min Chunhei, help YN put the groceries away!" Yoongi scolds, carrying several bags of groceries into the kitchen and half-heartedly putting them on the counter. 

"She's my mummy!" Chunhei corrects, for what seems like the hundredth time today, making me giggle. 

"Yoongi! The eggs are in one of those bags!" I screech, running over to check if my eggs were smashed. 

Luckily, they made it out safely. 

Chunhei laughs and pokes her tongue out at her father before running over to the kitchen and stepping onto the stool I use to reach my higher shelves. 

"How can I help, mummy?" She asks, leaning onto the counter. 

I assign her a few easy tasks to finish while I put away the heavier and more fragile items. After a few minutes, we've managed to put away all the groceries. 

"'m sleepy," Chunhei yawns, wrapping her arms around my torso and digging her head into my chest. 

"Wanna take a nap in the bedroom, sweet girl? I'll start preparing lunch then wake you up when it's ready," I ask, stroking her head. 

"Yes please," She whispers, snuggling deeper into my chest. 

"Alright, kitten. Let me take you to bed," Yoongi approaches, gently removing Chunhei from me and lifting her up. 

Chunhei lets out a whine as she's removed from my hold. 

"It's just Daddy, Chunnie," Yoongi whispers, hugging her tighter, "I'll put you in bed so you can nap." 

As Yoongi walks into the hallway to place Chunhei in my bedroom, I walk over to the fridge and start gathering ingredients for lasagna, Chunhei's newly proclaimed favorite food. 

As I turn on the stove to boil the sheets of pasta, I hear footsteps pattering back to the kitchen. 

"Stacked spaghetti?" A pair of pale, muscular arms wrap themselves around my waist, a head nuzzling itself in the crook of my neck. 

"Mhm," I respond, turning my head and placing a soft peck to Yoongi's head, "You've been awfully quiet today, babe." 

Yoongi lets out a hum before kissing my neck a few times then untangling himself from me. 

"I got a weird text today," Yoongi speaks up, walking over to one of the tall stools by the kitchen counter. 

"From who?"

"I think it's Chunhei's birth mother," He quietly admits, voice sounding unsure. 

I abruptly stop stirring the sauce and turn around to face Yoongi, who's avoiding all eye contact with me. I let out a sigh before lowering the heat of the stove, wiping my hands on a kitchen towel, and making my way over to Yoongi. 

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