XXIX: disturbance

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"That was a great breakfast, Sora!" Yoongi waves off as I clean off bits of pancake from Chunhei's mouth and cheeks. 

"How did you even get it on your neck, sweetheart?" I giggle, tilting her head back and wiping her neck with a wet wipe. 

"Noah said that he could eat more than I could so I had to show him who's boss," She defends, wearing her signature Min pout. 

"So you shoved two pancakes into your mouth and in the process, got it on your neck?" Yoongi repeats, shaking his head and grabbing our stuff. 

Chunhei nods enthusiastically, claiming that "Haru needs to learn that girls are better and no one could show her better than her Chunhei-unnie!" 

I giggle and finish cleaning her off, placing a kiss on her pouty lips, "You've got a point, little bubba. Show them who's boss!" 

We'd decided to stop by Sora's cafe for breakfast instead of cooking at home because we'd planned to spend all of Christmas Eve cuddled up on the couch and watching Christmas movies. When Chunhei is at home too long, we found that she could get a little restless, so by taking her out in the morning for breakfast and a walk around town, she'd have no problem snuggling up all afternoon. 

We wave to Auntie Sora, Uncle Jinnie and Noah one last time before we left the cafe and drove to our next destination, the park. 

min apartment:

After swinging, running, jumping, sliding, and playing tag at the park, Chunhei was absolutely exhausted. As we pull into Yoongi's regular parking spot, I turn around and awe quietly at my girl sleeping soundly with her head leaning against the window. 

"She must be tired," I turn to Yoongi, who was already looking at me. 

I blush furiously as he laughs and leans forward to place a kiss on my lips. 

"Well, she did swing for a good 10 minutes and slid down the slide at least 50 times. Pancakes are good fuel but they don't last long," Yoongi remarks, making me giggle. 

Yoongi steps out of the car, putting his hand out and telling me to wait. He jogs over to my side and opens the door, sneaking another kiss onto my forehead. 

"You're really flirty today," I remark, sending Yoongi a goofy smile, "I like it."

Yoongi flashes me his signature gummy smile before reaching his hand out and helping me get out of the car. 

"Should we wake her?" I ask as Yoongi goes to open Chunhei's door. 

I look down at my watch and see that it's about 12:30pm, "Nah, let's let her sleep for about 30 more minutes than we'll wake her up. Nothing wrong with an afternoon nap." 

Yoongi nods and goes to gently unbuckle Chunhei from her seat. Chunhei stirs a bit as Yoongi lifts her from the car into his arms. 

"Da-daddy? Mummy?" She whines, her eyes still shut tightly. 

"We're here, baby girl. Go back to sleep. We're home," Yoongi reassures, stroking her hair. 

Chunhei sighs in content and buries her head into Yoongi's neck. 

After making the trip through the parking garage and up the elevator, we finally make it to the front door. I unlock the door while Yoongi holds Chunhei. I let the duo in first and lock the door once I'm inside. 

"Should we just keep her in her outfit?" Yoongi asks, motioning to Chunhei. 

"Yeah, let's just take her shoes and socks off. I don't want to disturb her," I answer, moving to take off her boots. 

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