Chapter 20

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I hear furniture being thrown around as I am still curled up in a ball in the corner. Ryder was freaking out whispering quite loudly "Where is she? Where is she?!" I don't get why he even cares. I'm just a burden and this act is proof of it. He is so worried for me when he could be getting valuable sleep right now. I am going to be the cause when he is all cranky tomorrow with the lack of sleep. I shake my head in misery as I can't sleep because of him searching for something.

I know its me because of his constant lies of saying that I am the only girl for him. He is ought to be bored of me or just realize I am nothing more than a common piece of garbage on the side of an abandoned highway. I curl myself deeper in hopes of him giving up the search for me. I am not even worth the time.

I was woken up at first by Ryder moving around too much on his squeaky bed. When I half-opened my eyes I saw him looking around frantically as if searching for someone. He then began to walk around by stopping at every sofa, chair and anything else that is off limits to a disgusting piece of crap like me. Ryder then began to grow anxious and began to flip the bed, next were the sofas and he kept on tossing around furniture. Right now he is tearing through the closet after giving up after looking through the bathroom for me. Clothes were being thrown out of the closet when he gave a frustrated growl. He stomped out of the closet like a bratty 3 year old and looked around the room one more time.

I closed my eyes in hopes of him not knowing I was awake. If he saw me awake he would get even more furious that I didn't tell him where I was. I felt his breathing stop for a minute which told that he had found me. Even though i am his mate I don't get what the big deal is. I should be off limits to every luxurious item they have here from sleeping on a comfortable surface to showering and eating food.

His steps got louder as he closed in on me. Once he reached me he dropped to his knees and put his hand to my hair muttering "Why did you put me through that pain? Do you have any idea how worried I was that you would run away? Please don't ever scare me like that again." By the time he finished his head was on top of mine as he cradled me in his arms. He rocked back and forth as I felt tears on my head.

Wait a minute, he is crying over me! I feel even worse now. How could he be crying for a loss cause like me? I should be on the streets starving to death or just never existed period. I keep my breathing as steady as possible when on the inside I wished it would stop all together. He would be sad at first, but then would get over it. Nobody cared enough to get to know me. Even when I was able to get into school I was always the outsider. I was never supposed to be there and my bullies showed me everyday.

Ryder was finally able to calm down enough to pick me up and carry me to bed. With me still in his arms he was able to re-flip the bed then put me on it. I felt the warm fuzzy covers being lifted over my body and rest underneath my chin. Ryder then got in next to me so we were in a spooning position. I felt a little uncomfortable, but forced myself to stay calm. I knew tomorrow screamed for a world of trouble for me and that I better get a good nights rest.

The last words I heard before I went into a deep slumber where "I love you."


I woke up to an arm around my face and bad breath on the back of my neck. I became still at the unknown position I was in. I was able to look over my shoulder and see that Ryder was dead asleep next to me. I realized that I really had to pee. The weight of his arm began to feel even heavier as the urge to pee grew so much that I thought I would pee in my pants. I looked around and saw the bathroom so close yet so far away. I groan in frustration as I began to head to the bathroom.

I slowly lifted his arm above my body so it would lay next to his side. I picked up the covers and was able to get out of the bed. Before I could even make my first step away from the bed I was grabbed around the waist and being tossed over to the other side of the bed to see Ryder wide awake and a little pissed off. The throwing around did not help my bladder one bit. I was able to keep it in though. I was about to explain to Ryder what I was doing although he beat me to it.

"What are you doing this early in the morning? Are you trying to run again? You know that you won't get away. I won't let you. You are mine and no one else will ever be able to have you except me." His grip grew even tighter as I groaned in agony as the feeling to pee was a second away.

My head landed on Ryder's chest as I said "I just wanted to go to the bathroom." Ryder was frozen in place at my comment. I used that time to rip myself away from the bed and him and ran to the bathroom. After I locked the door I lunged for the toilet and sighed in relief that I was finally able to pee.

I swear I peed for two minutes before I got up to flush the toilet and wash my hands. I finally look around the bathroom and saw products of different varieties on the floor and towels were ripped apart as if a rabid animal came in. I had a strong feeling that Ryder had something to do behind this.

I finally opened the door only for Ryder to pick me up and carry me back to bed. I can't believe he waited outside the bathroom for me. He either was that possessive or didn't trust me yet. I rolled my eyes as Ryder was able to lie down next to me and pulled me closer to him with his arm around my waist. I was facing him this time and I was guessing it was time for us to talk about somethings. I started to feel myself shake in fear, but then remembered that he told me he wasn't going to hurt me. I wish that I could trust him, but I was still a little wary about trusting someone so quickly.

Ryder brought me back to reality as he said "Now will you like to tell me what you were thinking last night?" Here we go.

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