Chapter 23

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~Rosaline's POV~

"What were you thinking? Do you know how worried I was last night?" I looked at him confused. I don't remembering him looking for me. All I remember is that I wanted to go to the corner because I knew everything was off limits. I didn't deserve the luxurious life, it should go to someone more important. I shouldn't even be here yet I feel this small attraction towards Ryder. I don't know what it is, Ryder says it is from the mate bond, but I can't confirm that. Ryder says that if I truly want to feel the full attraction that I would have to be changed into a werewolf and that only your mate can change you. He also said that the other way for me to become a werewolf is to mate with each other and then it would take until the next moon that I be turned. I would be seeing signs, like my eyes would be painful to the light and I would have extreme strength along with other signs until the full moon.

If we mate, he enjoys saying when we mate, that there is a very high chance of having a baby. I asked about using condoms, but he said that the seed is so strong that it would rip through any type of condom. Then I asked about birth control, but he said that the werewolf gene would destroy any type of prescription or stuff that would try to eliminate or prevent a baby. I swear he is trying to scar me from having a kid. I will admit I never thought of getting that far into life. I never even imagined of having a child. Now that I might actually have a life with Ryder, I know that I would love to have a child of my own one day. I know he won't let me go and that frightens me a little. I know that we are destined to be together. I guess I am just scared of him either taking advantage of me or of getting bored of me and throwing me back out like a piece of trash. I looked at him quickly and I noticed something in his eyes. It looked like affection . . . for me? I have no idea, but the way he is holding me tells me that he does care for me. Now the decision is, will I open up to him?

Ryder cleared his throat bringing me back into reality of the situation we are stuck in. I let out a guilty laugh and say "I was just uhh . . ." I didn't know what to say. Now that I think about it it might have been a little excessive to sleep in the corner. 

"You were what?" Even though I only have known Ryder for a while I know that he wouldn't forget about this. I think I might have actually offended him.

"I was thinking that I didn't deserve this type of luxury. You were on the bed looking comfortable so I didn't wanted to bother you with me getting into your bed. Then I looked at the couch and thought it would be to much of a hassle for you if you wanted to sit there in the morning then would see me there. The only place I could go to think of next is in the corner. I'm sorry to have offended you." I looked down the whole time that I spoke. I couldn't look him in the eye as I realize how much of an idiot I was. When I finished we were silent for a few minutes.

Ryder molded his hand with my cheek and tilted my head up to meet his amazing brown eyes. He smiled and said "First off, you have nothing to apologize for, if anything, I should be apologizing for making myself clear. When I wanted you to sleep in the same room as me I also meant in the same bed with my arms rapped around you like the position we are in right now. I also want you to know is that you deserve all the luxury in world. You had a rough life and I am making it my mission to make your life the best for the rest of eternity. Finally, don't you ever think that you can't come to me for anything. If you have to beat the shit out of me to get your attention if I'm not already looking at you. Please Rosa I love you." I stiffened at that terrified that he would want me to say it back. I admit he is growing on me, but I don't think I could love him for a while, possibly a very very long while. Before I could even think of saying something else Ryder spoke "Hey, you don't have to say it back. I don't expect you to either. I am just happy enough that I can say it to you and you know that it is the complete and honest truth." I do know that he is telling the truth. It is something in his eyes that tells me that he is telling the most honest thing in the world. 

I smile and lightly peck his cheek while whispering "Thank you for understanding." Ryder went still then got a goofy grin on his face. I couldn't help, but giggle at that. It only made Ryder smile even more. I couldn't help, but smile back at him.

"Alright since we got that part over with what do you want to do?" 

"Watch TV?" I couldn't really think of anything to do. I always enjoyed reading yet I doubt he would have any books. I like all books except biographies, autobiographies, or history books. He smile and grabbed the remote that was on the table behind me. We got into a comfortable position with my head on his chest and his arms around me. He has one of those cool mattresses that move it up and down. 

We got to watching The Fairly Oddparents which looks interesting. Basically, it is about a 10 year old boy, named Timmy Turner, that has magically fairies that grant his wish except the few that are in the rule book, called Da Rules. I kind of got attached to it even though it was for little kids. Ryder made the mistake of trying to change it, but I ripped the remote away from him and chucked it across the room so he didn't dare change it again. He just laughed and held me closer to him.

Over looking from when I fist met him to now I realized that I have a little more confidence than before. I am not as shy around Ryder and I am actually kind of happy about it. I know I will have to be the shy girl at school because I don't have enough confidence to stand up to the bullies at school. As the episode begins to end I feel like getting up and doing something. Not to mention that I am a little hungry. 

Ryder asked me something that made me frozen in silence. He asked "Lets go shopping to get you clothes, underwear, bras, jackets, shoes and other stuff. I don't think you have any other clothes so today we are going on a shopping spree." He has already done so much for me that I couldn't possibly take up his offer. I was going to say something until the door slammed open with someone I did not expect to be there.

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