Chapter 18 ~ "You quit?"

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I can't believe I left her there. I should have stuck up for her more, but I know the more I push the worse things will get for her. I'll be lucky if I see her again at this point after her brother shoved me into the wall and her father looked like he'd like to beat me to a pulp.

It was a long drive home thinking about Sasha. It was me thinking about the way he spoke about her. Who speaks about their own daughter that way? Sasha has always done whatever her father wanted, no questions asked. She took his verbal abuse for years and I just prayed it never turned physical.

On the way home I got a call from Sabrina telling me she was home now and that everyone was coming over to hers in just a few minutes. I told her I'd be there but that was only so I could pull her away and give her the chance to come clean about the cheating. Either way, it was going to end in a break-up

Sasha was what I really wanted and I was sick of being put on a leash by Sabrina. The fact that I didn't even feel like I could be Sasha's friend while I was with Sabrina, told me everything I needed to know. The fact that I felt sparks course through my body when I touched Sasha was all that I wanted.

So I went, with nothing but the thought of ending things and rushing to Sasha's to try and make sure she's alright. I of course knew this would mean ending my friendship with Jake too and possibly exiling myself from my group of friends. But this was something I needed to do, I needed to be free to be myself.

"Oh sweetie, thank god you're here!" Was how she greeted me, running at me and wrapping her arms around me. "I missed you."

"Yeah uh-huh, can I talk to you?" I asked and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Sure, what is it?" She asked and I sighed.

"No, I mean alone." And she laughed, giving me a confused look. 


"Because it's a conversation I don't want to have in front of everyone else." I huffed and at this point the noise in the living room just off to the side was dying off and I could tell everyone was staring at us, waiting for the show.

"Well whatever it is you can say here, in front of everyone." She said crossing her arms. 

"Fine." I said with a nod and she gave me a smile. "Are you sleeping with Jake?"

"What?" She asked innocently with a giggle but I could see her eyes looking from side to side. "Don't be ridiculous, of course I'm not."

"Really?" I asked narrowing my eyes. "Last Saturday night, at around eleven-twenty-three, where were you? I showed up at that party and I couldn't find you."

"Do you really expect me to know where I was?" She asked starting to sound a little angrier.

"Well I know where you were." I told her crossing my arms. "I walked down that hallway and I heard my ringtone going off from inside of a spare bedroom. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door." I said and she lowered her eyes.

"Hey, take it easy." Jake said walking over and I chuckled a bit.

"Fuck you." I said. "Nice to know that while you were complaining about how I don't come around enough and how you wished I was there, you were inside of my girlfriend!"

"It's your own fault!" He yelled back. "You're never around anymore, what did you expect?"

"What did I expect?!" I asked harshly. "Maybe for you not to immediately start sleeping with my girlfriend! I've only been less available for a month and a half, don't try and spin this to make it my fault! Some friend you are." 

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