Chapter 32 ~ "Say it again"

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I knew this would happen. I knew she wasn't really as alright as she was pretending to be. Alex just unintentionally shattered her by asking her those questions, and now a very broken Sasha was laying in my arms.

Now I just felt guilty. I was her distraction, I was the reason she wasn't dealing with her family stuff properly and I was the one making her so confused. I had unintentionally put my own selfish interests before Sasha's feelings again. 

I didn't dare say anything I just let her cry laying in my arms, knowing this was really all she needed all along. What had I done to her?

I started crying just hearing her talk to Alex over the phone, I didn't know she was hurting that bad. I suspected she'd been covering it up and trying her best to forget about it but it just wasn't possible. Now it had become overwhelming for her.

"Why is everything s-so messed up?" She breathes followed by more sniffling. "I-I don't want to go home....but I do.....what's wrong with me?"

"There's nothing wrong with that." I assure her bringing her close. "Just breathe."

She nods and wipes her tears away, I watch her lower lip wobble and I lean in to kiss her forehead.

"I know it hurts." I whisper. "And I know it isn't easy, but we'll sort it out. I'll make sure you get home, I'll do whatever I can." She presses her face into my chest and I feel my heart break. "Alex and Nik are going to help you too. They want you home."

"This is going to be so hard." She mutters.

"Don't think like that." I whisper running my fingers through her hair. "Tomorrow's a new day." 

She starts crying again and I almost can't take it, I feel so defenceless when she's broken down. I didn't know what to say or what to do. I didn't want to let her down or say something that just made her feel worse.

After a while, her tears begin to slow down and she's just holding me tight. I hear her soft breathing, breathe in the lavender scent from her hair.

"Will you call me baby again?" She whispers and I'm almost caught off guard by hearing her voice for the first time in ages. And to hear that nonetheless. It slipped out earlier, it wasn't something I was planning on saying to her, I thought it might sound a little possessive. But she was so special to me, she was somebody I cared for.

"If you want me too." I whisper running my hands over her back. I resisted the urge to tease her about liking it, I was just happy she did. "Baby." I whisper quietly continuing to rub the same circles over her back. I repeat it over and over again feeling her breathing even out and her slowly start fade out. She's asleep.

<< ☆ >>

I open my eyes and slide out of bed being careful not to disturb Sasha. I decided to go downstairs and try to figure out what I could do to help her.

"Nathan." I hear and turn to see mom sitting in the living room. "Come here please." I hold my breath knowing what she most likely wanted to talk to me about.

"What's up?" I ask sitting on the other end of the couch.

"Would you care to explain to me what's going on with Sasha?" She asks and I furrow my eyebrows. "I came home and called out but neither of you answered, I walked upstairs and I saw the two of you asleep."

"Mom I know what you must be thinking...." I say shaking my head.

"Are you involved?" She asks and I sigh. I didn't want to say no, I loved her. But if I said yes she might make Sasha move out now. "Just tell me the truth."

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