( twenty-five. )

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"So, they keep money out here?" Pope asked, looking out the window at the boarded up shacks and trees.

"That's what she said." JJ chuckled. "That's what she said."

"Stop." Pope said, shushing him.

"I've never even heard of resurrection drive." Sarah said, looking back at them all.

"That's because you're rich." JJ commented, holding the gold in his hands.

"You've never heard of it either." Kie chimed in, June nodding along.

"It's kinda sketchy out here." June commented, looking for any sign of a road, or warehouse of any type.

"There's nothing but weeds out here." Kie said. Just as JJ began to speak a police siren went off, all of them looking out the back window at the car.

"Cops?" June asked,  as everyone started to freak out.

"Are you kidding me?" JJ said, reaching for his bag and throwing the gold inside.

"What did we do?" Sarah asked.

"Stash that." John B said, putting the car in park and looking back at JJ. "Did you bring the gun?"

"No okay? Everyone told me to leave it back at the place."

"Thank God." June said, sitting back in her seat . JJ stashed his bag under the seat.

"How much weed do you have on you right now bro?" Kie asked as the officer started walking up to the car. John B turned his head to greet the officer but instead was met with a shot gun in his face.

"Why don't I just go ahead and see them hands up in the air. All yalls hands up in the air right now!"  They guy with the gun yelled, pulling John B out of the car and telling him to open the door on the other side. JJ gripped June's hand, pain coursing through her arm but she was too confused and distracted to care.

"What're you waitin on! What're you waitin on! Let them out." The guy with the gun yelled at John B.  John B pulled the door open, all of them exiting. June had her hands up as far as she could, her right arm unable to go too high.

"We're broke-" JJ started, yelling at the man.

"Shut the hell up!"  Pushing the gun into his face. Pope pulled JJ back as he told the guy to chill.

"Lay down in the ditch! Lay down in the ditch! On your hands and knees! Put your fav win the ground! Stay here just like that!" June got down onto the ground, her lip quivering as she pressed her face into the ground. The guy turned around, jumping into the van and ransacking through it.

"It's a setup guys!" Kie said, pressing her head against the ground.

"That old bat shanked us. Fuck!" JJ was seething, punching the ground to let his frustration out. June shook her head, glancing up at the guy with the gun.   She looked back in the direction of John B who was starting to stand.

"Don't be a hero man." Pope said in a hushed tone. John B took off  running towards the guys car. He jumped into the backseat closing the door quietly.  June's arm was starting to ache as she looked over at JJ, who looked like he was seeing red. He was  breathing very heavily, fighting with himself trying to keep himself from jumping up.

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