Chapter 8

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"Um, Shinso?" Shoto asked hesitantly as he opened his dorm door to see Hitoshi standing on the other side.

"Yeah, we gotta talk." Hitoshi said briefly, his voice giving away the urgency he felt that his body language hid. On the outside he still looked laid back and tired.

"About?" Shoto asked, his brows raised and his head slightly tilted down. Hitoshi was probably one of the last people he had been expecting to be on the other side of his door.

"Midoriya." Was all Hitoshi said, and surprise, surprise, he was granted access to the half and half teens room.

Shoto closed the door behind him, eyeing the other teen with high suspicion. Hitoshi wasn't exactly the biggest fan of 2-A kids, so he wasn't exactly sure if he was able to trust him. "What happened? Is Midoriya okay?" He asked.

Hitoshi ran his hands down his face as he fully grasped what he was about to do. Thankfully, he didn't recall Izuku ever telling him directly that he wasn't allowed to tell Shoto, so he couldn't be too mad. Right?

"You know how he turned seventeen like a week ago and we were with him? Then when he got his names he ran off and now's he being weird and distant?" Hitoshi asked, his mind starting to get ahead of his mouth.

Shoto's confusion only grew more. He vaguely remembered Hitoshi saying something about two names that night, but he honestly didn't recall much. "Um, yeah? Why? What's this about?" He asked, needing to know what was so important and urgent that the purple haired boy needed to find him in his dorm room.

"I- um... I sort of saw the first name on his wrist." Hitoshi said, letting out a deep breath right after.

This was it. If he kept talking, he'd lose all of Izuku's trust forever. He doubted he'd ever be able to come back for it.

"Oh, really?" Shoto asked, still not understanding what this had to do with him.

"Yeah, um- I-I saw the name..." Hitoshi said again, second guessing if this was really what he wanted to do.

"So?" Shoto pressed.

"I, um- I-"


After the talk he had with Kirishima and Bakugou, Izuku had headed back down to the common area, wanting to give the two soulmates some space. Once he was down there, he walked over to Uraraka and Iida.

"Hey guys!" Izuku said cheerfully. The past week he had been really off and distant, so it was nice that he was finally acting like his old self with his two best friends.

"Hey Deku." Uraraka said with a smile.

"Good evening Midoriya." Iida responded with a slight bow of his head in Izuku's direction.

"Hey, um, do you know why Shinso was looking for Todoroki a few minutes ago?" Uraraka asked him, seeing as it was a strange occurrence and both boys happened to be Izuku's soulmates.

Izuku's eyes flew open wide at the question. His mind racing back to the conversation he had had earlier with Hitoshi. "Where's Todoroki?!" Izuku asked instantly, knowing the only thing he could do now was try and stop the purple haired boy.

"His dorm." Uraraka responded instantly, moving with Izuku as he rushed for the stairs, not bothering with the elevator. "Want me to come with?" She asked.

He only thought about it for a second before agreeing, both of them leaving Iida behind in confusion. If he needed to keep someone between him and his soulmates, or needed to physically drag Hitoshi away from telling Shoto, Uraraka would be needed.

"Thank you." He said softly to her as he started taking the stairs two at a time.

"No problem." She said, even though she didn't really know why they needed to stop Hitoshi or if she would even want to if she knew.

They quickly made it to Shoto's floor and then to his dorm. Izuku started to knock frantically, just needing to know that Hitoshi hadn't spilled anything yet.

Seconds later, Shoto opened the door, a very perplexed look on his face. "Midoriya? Why're you here?" He asked, overly confused as to why people just kept showing up at his dorm.

"Is Shinso here?" Izuku asked, avoiding Shoto's questions.

The red and white haired boy sighed, opened his door wider, and stepped to the side to show Hitoshi standing there with a tired look. "How did you even know I'd be here?" Hitoshi asked.

"You asked my bestfriend where Todoroki was." Izuku said, pointing his thumb at a guilty looking Uraraka. She really wished she wouldn't have asked Izuku why Hitoshi needed Shoto.

"Can someone please explain what is going on? Because I'm clearly the only one who doesn't know." Shoto asked, seeming frustrated and annoyed with the secrecy.

"Nothing's going on. Shinso's thought he saw something that he really didn't." Izuku said pointedly, glaring straight at the purple haired boy.

That only helped to add to Shoto's confusion. "What'd he see?" He asked.

"Nothing, that's the point!" Izuku exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air as the stress from the day became too much for him to deal with.

"Midoriya? Are you feeling-" Shoto started to ask, reaching out a hand to grab the smaller boy's shoulder, but the heavy flinch and pure fear in Izuku's eyes stopped him.

"Well if that doesn't prove it, I don't know what does." Hitoshi muttered to himself, but no one seemed to hear him.

"Midoriya," Shoto asked again, his voice more firm this time as his worry increased. "Are you okay? What's going on?"

Shoto's mind had jumped straight to the only reason he himself had ever flinched. When he was younger and wasn't used to the abuse his father put him through yet, he would flinch at the smallest things and it didn't matter who it was. So of course that's where his thoughts were at the moment Izuku so obviously flinched away from his touch.

"N-nothing's going on! I swear!" Izuku said, trying to reassure Shoto and Hitoshi, but neither were buying it.

Apparently he had said it a bit too loudly, because a few seconds later, Sero's dorm door opened up and the whole Bakusquad walked out, Bakugou and Kirishima included.

"What's going on?" Mina asked, concern for her classmates showing in her face and voice.

No one answered her, Shoto not knowing and the others not saying for obvious reasons. The only answer anyone was given was when Izuku's scared voice spoke up. "Kacchan, help me, please."

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