Chapter 15

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Bakugou, who was in the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water, casually shut the door to the fridge and looked over to the purple haired girl. "Deku thought it'd be a good idea to not tell his two soulmate that they were soulmates. Eventually his dumbass touched one of them, still refused to say anything, so me and the other less shitty extras,"

Kaminari sniffled and held his hands to his heart. "That's the nicest thing he's ever said about me."

"-Had to help him by pretending to date him so that one of us could always be touching him. It helped with his soulmate pains. Eventually it didn't help anymore and eye bags someone figured out he was Deku's soulmate and barged into his room to help. Now we're here." Bakugou finished, taking a sip from the bottle. He was oddly calm at that moment.

Jirou looked at the blond as if he grew a second head. "Huh?" She asked.

Yaoyorozu just shook her head and grabbed the other girl's arm to direct her attention back to their small group of girls, who were previously talking. "Don't make him explain it again. Ask Midoriya later."

There was a small lapse of awkward silence before Izuku cleared his throat and once again wiggled out of his soulmates' grips. "So, we're just gonna go back upstairs..." He said cautiously as all of his classmates watched him with curious eyes.

He grabbed Hitoshi and Shoto's hands, dragging them with him. Looking over his shoulder at Bakugou, he said a quick, "Tell Mr. Aizawa what happened and that I still can't be away from them." To which the blond just nodded.

The three soulmates were up in Izuku's room, cuddling up and watching bad reality tv the rest of the day.


"Are you sure you don't want us to come with?" Shoto asked, his brows drawn together in slight worry.

It was the end of the school week and Izuku was insisting that he had to go home for a visit now that the weekend was upon them again. He was insistent that Hitoshi and Shoto didn't have to come with him.

Izuku nodded again, for the millionth time needing to reassure his soulmates that he was feeling fine and could be away from them again. "I'll be completely fine, Shoto. We've all been basically attached at the hip aside from classes, I'm okay to go home for a few hours." He said while fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt.

Hitoshi, who had been remarkably quiet the entire time, narrowed his eyes at the smaller teen. "Why do you seem so anxious about going home? And why're you so insistent that we don't come with you?" He asked, trying to keep his voice as casual as possible as he leaned back and rested his hands behind his head.

"I haven't been home in a while, I'm kind of in a rush to leave. And I just don't want to waste your guys' time." Izuku said back, stopping his movements with his shirt and crossing his arms across his chest instead.

The purpled haired boy had closed his eyes as he relaxed his body. "I don't believe you for a second, Izuku Midoriya."

Izuku rolled his eyes at how overprotective his soulmates were turning out to be. Directing his attention back to Shoto, he raised a brow, silently asking what his opinion was now.

"I agree with Hitoshi." Shoto said, but at least he had the decency to look apologetic about it.

Poor Izuku threw his hands in the air out of frustration. "You don't need to believe me, you just have to trust me."

"Isn't that the same thing?" Shoto asked with a deadpan expression.

"I don't know and at this point I don't care. I have to go though, I'm already going to be late." Izuku said with a sigh. He ran a hand down his face, suddenly looking way too tired for a seventeen year old.

Shoto grabbed his wrist, turning Izuku back around to face him again. "You know you can talk to us about anything, right?" He asked, his concern for his soulmate clear.

Izuku smiled back, but it seemed forced to the half and half teen. "Yeah, of course."

Hitoshi pushed himself back up so he could watch his soulmates. "So talk to us." He told him.

"What'd you want me to say? There's nothing to say. You guys are looking for something that's not there." Izuku said with a huff. He really had to get going.

"We know you're keeping something from us, Izuku." Shoto said, a small sigh to his words. "You said you were yourself."

Izuku pinched his nose in irritation. "Look, I really don't have time for this heart to heart, okay? I'm already late. I need to go." He said before turning and walking to the door, muttering out, "See you guys later." as he went.

Once he was gone, Shoto groaned and clenched his eyes shut tightly. Hitoshi held his arms out as the red and white haired boy fell back on the bed and onto him. "Why is he so damn stubborn all the time?" He asked.

Hitoshi let out a small chuckle at the question. "It's part of the charm."

Shoto rolled his eyes at the lame answer. "You're not helping." He stated.

"Didn't say I was."


Izuku hesitantly knocked on the front door of his childhood home. He hadn't been back for a visit in a few weeks, which meant this time around was even more nerve wracking than normal. Not to mention he had found his soulmates.

He was only waiting outside for a few moments before his mother opened the door, smiling widely when she saw her son. "Izuku! I didn't know if you'd make it this week. Come in, come in, it's been awhile." She said while ushering Izuku into the house.

He sheepishly smiled, feeling even more guilty. "Yeah, sorry about that. Schools been- well hectic- lately." He told her while they both took seats at the kitchen table.

"I know you're pursuing your dream of becoming a hero, and I could not be more proud, but I wish you weren't so swamped all the time. I miss having you around here." Inko said truthfully, her smile becoming just a bit dimmer as she spoke.

Izuku grabbed one of her hands, giving it a light squeeze. "I know mom, but we've made it this long. I graduate next year and then I'll be a real pro." He said, trying to reassure her that it'll be okay.

She nodded, squeezing his hand back before changing the topic. "Well you had your birthday. Did you meet your soulmate yet?" She asked him, her happy demeanor back as she waited to hear about one of the most important days of her son's life.

Once again, he hesitated. "I um, funny story. I actually- well I have two soulmates." He told her truthfully.

Izuku watched his mother's eyes go wide, but she seemed happy for her son. "That's great, Izuku! What're their names? Have you met either of them?"

He nodded slowly. "I actually went against both of them at the sports festival last year." He told her awkwardly.

"Oh honey, that was so long again, I'm going to need more than that." Inko said with a small laugh.

"Shoto Todoroki and Hitoshi Shinsou. The ones with half fire, half ice and mind control quirks." He said quickly, wincing while he waited for his mother to say something.

Inko wasn't sure what to say. She was silent for a moment as she processed the new information, but quickly came to her senses when she saw how distraught her son looked. "Oh Izu, I'm sure they're wonderful." She said, trying to ease his worries a litte.

After hearing his mother's reassurance, Izuku was able to let out a breath of air.

The older woman was relieved that Izuku didn't have a full blown panic attack, but she needed to burst his bubble sooner than she would like. "But you know you can't-"

Izuku cut her off before she could finish her warning. "Don't worry, I wasn't planning on mentioning them. I'll just say it was blank, can't be worse than being quirkless." He muttered, picking at the old kitchen table.

Inko's eyes softened as her face fell into a frown. She hated seeing him so upset.

But before she could try and console him, someone walked into the kitchen. Izuku tensed up as he looked at the newcomer.

"Hi dad."

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