Chapter 7 - Madeline

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Good morning world! Happy Monday!

I hope I can say those words cheerly. But no.. this is my first day at Hall Industries HQ. I should feel happy, grateful and other positive vibes, and yet, all I can think about is whether I infected STD.

I dressed carefully. My makeup is perfect. Professional, but not flirty. I do the simple up do to my hair to give a professional look. I'm wearing my sensible black stilettos. My outfit today also screams professional. A baby blue shirt, black blazer with matching black knee-length skirt.

After yesterday's phone with Meredith, we decided (more likely Meredith decided) 2 things. First, I have to go back to the hotel. Not to pay for my bill, but to ask for the CCTV. Meredith is right. How come the hotel gave my room's card to a random person? It's Hilton for god's sake. Find out how and why that happened. And most importantly, I need to track Mr. Pop Madeline's Cherry down — nickname from Meredith. Because she said this guy is not perfect since he basically raped me, so no more Mr. Perfect. I tried to defend him... because I know I didn't resist him that night. He worshipped me and strangely, I felt loved that night. But anyway, Meredith kept saying I hallucinated that night. So we settled with Mr. Pop Madeline's Cherry.

Second, I should check with the doctor for an STD as soon as I can. But since this is my first day, I can't call and say I'm not coming to the office, right?

So here I am, in Andrew's Maserati, driving to the Hall HQ in the early morning like an exceptional employee. Meredith gave me her doctor's number. But I haven't called the doctor yet. I'll call him during my lunch break.

The Hall Industries parking lot is still empty, only 10-15 cars inside this vast parking lot. I park the car and go to the building.

After I finish all the administration things, they tell me to wait for Ethan Hall's executive assistant, Sarah, on the top floor.

I almost park my butt on the cozy couch in the waiting room, when a woman with perfect makeup, glossy bob black hair comes in. She is heavily pregnant wearing a pretty pregnant dress with soft yellow color. She must be Sarah.

"Madeline?" She looks at me.

I come to her. "Yes, and you are Sarah?" I ask her back.

She nods happily. "I know you're sharp!" She says, and she continues without waiting for my reaction. "Let's go. We have a meeting in an hour. I'm going to tell you everything you need. Normally we need around 2 hours for the introduction. But with you I think an hour can do," she says and winks. I inhale deeply. Thank God for her hospitality and welcome attitude towards me.

She shows me every important room and everything I require knowing about my job. Including the big boss' preferences.

I try to absorb every information she gives me. Luckily, this morning I pressed the wrong button on the coffeemaker. So, instead of making one cup, I made 2 cups for myself. So, I'm super ready for today.

I need to make a great first impression. I can fuck my love life up, but I can't afford to lose this job. Even though my initial plan coming to LA for Thomas, but now I changed. I'm going to give an outstanding performance in the office and continue with my life. Go to hell with Thomas Hudson!

In an hour, I can tell that Sarah likes me. She keeps testing me with my knowledge and also if I understand what she says. And so far I got an A+ for that. Yes!

"Okay, Madeline.. this is your station for now. Soon after my day here is finished, you will move to my place." She points at the nearest desk to Ethan Hall's office. I nod.

"You're going to the meeting with me. This is the annual meeting. With all the shareholders and Ethan will lead this meeting. I have already prepared for today. But next time it will be your responsibility." I nod again. "Now you can settle first on your desk, take a cup of coffee if you want. I need to make sure of some stuff. Ethan will arrive in 10 mins, maybe. Later I will introduce you to him."

"Got it." And I go to my desk to put my stuff. And I look up when I see Sarah still there. "Um... anything else, Sarah?" I ask warily.

"You will not ask me about Ethan? Your new boss," she asks with a smile and a hint of curiosity.

"Um... I don't know. Is there anything I need to prepare? I mean, is he an awful boss? Ass groper or something? Or he can throw anything from his table if he's angry?"

Sarah laughs. "You are great, Madeline! I have faith in you!"


Sarah still laughs when she answers me. "No, he's not a boss who can sexually harass you, even though, precaution! He is hot with a capital h. But he's professional and a genius. He doesn't have any crazy habits as well. Ethan believes he pays you for more than just a coffee maker, so that's not your responsibility. But he's a workaholic. And you realize your work's time isn't normal right? As in, as long as Ethan in the office, you have to stay in here too."

"I'm okay with that since I'm single. No spouse or kids," I say, oh and a boyfriend. I continue, "is that why you resign?"

"Yes, and no. Yes, because my husband and I think that we have to focus on this pumpkin." She rubs her tummy. "No, because when I married my Toby, he asked me to stop working because he wants me to focus on my hobby... he believes that working to earn money is his job. And me, I should do anything I desire for."

I smile. "You are very lucky to have this husband, Sarah," I say sincerely.

"Yeah, so I say to my husband that I will do that after we are blessed with a kid. So I can be a full-time mom with a part-time job as an artist."

"Your hobby is painting?" I ask, and she nods. She is really nice. Too bad we can't be a co-worker.

"Okay. I need to go back to my desk. Let's talk over lunch. My treat! I'll introduce you to my favorite restaurant. That's my husband's favorite restaurant too," she says.

"Sure!" I answer Sarah and she walks to her desk. I continue with my stuff. In less than 5 minutes, the elevator ding and someone comes out.

He talks on his phone so I can't see his face because I sit on the elevator right side. But this man is somehow familiar. He is tall, around 6"2. Tousled jet black hair. Broad shoulders. His suit must be super expensive. It hugged his body perfectly. Electric blue silk tie... hmm Hermes. Who is this guy?

And he goes to Ethan Hall's office. Huh? Could he be the CEO? I just realized I forgot to check on my boss. I should have googled him yesterday, but I forgot. Too busy to mourn my virginity. Can I google him now? He is a famous person. Not only in the Hollywood world, but in the business world as well. Before I can open the browser on my phone, Sarah calls me to follow her to Ethan Hall's office. Guess no chance for that.

I smooth my dress and hair. First impressions are important. I want to look presentable today.

Sarah knocks the door twice and step inside, I follow behind her. She told me that when Ethan came in the morning, he will let the door open so I can just let myself in because without the morning update he can't function. Unless he has a confidential agenda, he will close the door. But it rarely happened. I take a deep breath, read my mantra before I let myself in to my new boss's office.

"Morning Ethan, I'm here with your soon-to-be new executive assistant, Madeline," Sarah says. From her voice, I notice Ethan and Sarah have a good employer-employee relationship.

When Ethan looks up at me, my heart drops to my feet. Those mesmerizing hazel eyes, jet black hair, perfect nose and mouth... Mr. Pop Madeline's Cherry!

Can his floor open up and swallow me right here, right now???

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