Chapter 21: Hello Mr.

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Walking into the destroyed vets office had his lion on edge. The destruction wasn't the main cause, though. The overwhelming smell of a tiger and its cubs, was. Nothing was more dangerous to another animal than a mother protecting its babies... and considering Tiegan was a tiger, he was one big scary mother. Even to a juvenile lion.

He remained in his human form as he walked through the building. The front desk was halfway across the room and the whole front wall was leaning in at different angles.

Man, my brother was seriously pissed.

When he stopped in the doorway of the least-destroyed room his eyes immediately fell upon the two large cats against the far wall.

"Hey there, bro."

Tarren's lion slowly lifted its head and grumbled, making Rylan roll his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, get over it fuzzbutt."

When he didn't reply and instead turned his head toward his mate, Rylan stepped into the room, trying to see what he was looking at.

What is it?

He knew that his cub was in the incubator since it was plainly visible off to the right, so then what could be making him hunch his shoulders and swish his tail? Both were obvious signs of stress.


Yeah right.

Shut up, Rylan. Get out.

Ignoring his brother, Rylan walked over and knelt down in front of a snoring Tiegan. It was probably the dumbest thing he'd ever done, but before he could talk himself out of it, he reached forward and grabbed the plump sleepy cub dozing against his mother.

Ah ha, I knew it.

When Rylan glanced back up at his brother's lion, it seemed completely indifferent.

You don't want this kitten here.

His cat's eyes widened and he growled quietly, but didn't answer.

Tarren, you can't do that to your mate. This is his baby, one that he's finally gotten back after losing so many.

Shut up. I know that, idiot!

Then why are you not defending it? You just let me take it from Tiegan without even a hiss.

He seemed conflicted, but Rylan could see why. His lion didn't want it. It kept flicking glances back at the incubator where his last kitten was, even though he was still holding the tiger cub.

My lion doesn't like it. I know it's childish to humans, but it's taking a lot of my strength to keep him from hurting it.

Well, he's gonna have to learn to like it. This kitten is a part of Tiegan that was ripped from him before, and to finally get it back must be an incredible relief. He still loves your cub as much as this one, but come on. If you suddenly had the chance to get one of your kittens back, wouldn't you?

I know, Rylan. It's not me! It's my darn lion that's making it difficult.

Rolling his eyes, Rylan set the cub back down against its mother and pulled out a bag he'd set down when he'd knelt to grab the cub. Pulling something out from within it, he knew that he had immediately caught Tarren's attention.

"Want it?"

Rylan waved the large buffalo bone in front of his brother's lion, watching as it began to drip drool onto the tile floor. It was his one weakness. The only thing that could get his brother to do anything he wanted. When he let the bone drop Tarren's lion snatched it out of the air and immediately got busy crunching away at the thick femur. Their father had always had a few of the bones lying around because it was much better to let a frustrated lion shred a bone then, well, a vet clinic.

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