Chapter 22: Accident

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"Ready, dad?" Rylan shouted through the door, making sure not to have it open more than a few inches so that his brother couldn't smell the stack of cubs curled up on each other in the far corner of the living room. Rylan could just barely see them from where he stood, but Tarren's lion would definitely zero-in on the poor kittens if given the chance.

"Yeah! Let him in," Jordan yelled back.

Rylan backed away from the door, allowing it to swing open and give Tarren a perfect view of the sleeping cubs. Tiegan was back in his human form with a pair of loose black shorts on and two kittens wrapped securely in his arms. He looked flabbergasted at the sight, but Rylan's brother looked just about the opposite. He did exactly what Rylan had expected and began stalking towards the cubs, head swinging from stress and anger. It was an obvious sign that he was going to kill them... that he had been pushed too far too fast.

That's where their father came in, though. He stepped in front of the little tiger cubs and let out a very impressive roar. The resonating sound shook the walls and vibrated through the floors. It did its job, too, stopping his brother in his tracks. Cutting off the lion's vision of the kittens also helped snap him out of his aggressive state.

Rylan slowly walked around him and knelt beside the squirming pile of butts, pulling a particularly wiggly one out before turning to move in front of his father's lion. Tarren's eyes were immediately locked onto the cub, but it didn't dare take a step closer with Jordan's lion out. There was definitely one person who did, though.

A very excited tiger ran over with its two tiny cubs carefully held between its teeth. Tiegan gently set his kittens down on the blanket with the others and curled up protectively around the huge group. He began cleaning mewing bundles of fur without a second to spare, moving every single one to nurse after he was content that they were nice and squeaky clean... and covered in tiger spit. The bigger cubs got a little aggressive with the smaller ones, and especially the little hybrid, but one upset roar from their mother quieted all of them down immediately.

Jordan cautiously stepped aside then, so that Tarren could see, but sat down instead of walking away. They could all tell that Tarren was on edge and Tiegan wasn't paying enough attention to really defend his cubs if the lion attacked.


Rylan could feel how hard his brother was fighting with himself with just that one thought.

If you need to go upstairs and get control, go do it. These are Tiegan's remaining babies. Dad worked really hard and spent millions to get them back for your mate.

I know. My lion, though...

He'll need to get used to them. Look how happy Tiegan is, and I know he'd love to share that with you, your cub, and his older babies.

Rylan felt his brother struggle to nod as he turned, then stalked upstairs.

That went better than I thought it would. Throwing all of these cubs at him was definitely a hard trial for his lion, Jordan thought to him calmly.

Rylan nodded.

"Want me to go upstairs and hang with him for a bit?"

Yes. Take him some food. That should calm his lion.


Rylan ran to the kitchen to grab a good amount of chicken before heading upstairs.

Erin swore that Grayson was the cutest and sweetest mouse he'd ever seen. He hadn't really met many mouse shifters, but he definitely was way above the ones he'd had the unfortunate pleasure to meet.

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