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an // i changed the axel / carter incident to seventh grade instead of fourth grade. it just felt like it didn't hold enough weight for Carter to be so mad at a young age. hope u guys like the chapter!!

"Inside, all three of you," Mr. Ackerman said, gesturing towards the doorway so that they all would enter inside his office.

Axel had only been inside his office a staggering amount of two times, both having to do with the prank war, when the pranks had escalated. He never thought he'd be in here to discuss a fight. Let alone a fight Axel had been involved in.

"Sit. Sit," he said, all too kindly. Why was he being so nice to them? "Need a glass of water?"

The three boys remained silent as they sat down in the cushioned chairs on the opposite side of his desk. Mr. Ackerman shrugged, then sat down in his chair, resting his hands against his wooden desk and folding them together.

A moment of silence passed before he spoke, his tone serious. "Boys," he said. "I am extremely disappointed in the three of you. I thought the camp had helped."

None of them replied; Axel avoided eye contact. He could only think one thing: Please don't suspend me. Please don't let this effect my chances at getting a scholarship.

"What happened?" he asked. "Explain at once."

Axel almost laughed. Did he want the whole story? If Axel's life was a book, he'd tell him to go to chapter one. Instead, Axel let out a quiet mumble of, "It's complicated."

"Well, it's either complicated or it's an out of school suspension for all three of you and some time away from sports. You all know the rules," Mr. Ackerman said. "Absolutely no fighting."

Will spoke next. "At camp, Carter took a video of me and Axel," he said, pausing to look at Axel. "He posted the video to instagram without our permission."

"And the video contents, Mr. Anderson?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow.

Will glanced over at Axel, who nodded at him. "It was of us kissing," he said slowly.

Mr. Ackerman's face remained passive as he turned to Carter. "And you posted this video, why?"

Carter looked furious. "To get back at what Axel did to me."

"And, Axel," he said, "what did you do to Carter?"

Axel spoke honestly. "I'm not exactly sure."

Mr. Ackerman frowned. "Then why, praise tell, are the three of you bleeding and fighting in my hallways?"

"Because Carter outed me to the entire school," Axel said, bursting out. "I wasn't ready to come out yet, and he posted the video anyways."

"Is that true, Carter?" he asked.

Carter's eyebrows furrowed together. "Yes, but-"

"Before you tell your side of the story, I'd just like to say that that is not your choice, Do you understand, Mr. Thornton? I taught my daughter to solve all problems without resorting to violence, although I'm sure if that happened to her, she would come in fighting as well."

Carter pursed his lips, then nodded stiffly.

"And Will," Mr. Ackerman said, "You were fighting because?"

"Because Axel is my boyfriend," he said, "and I'm sorry, but I couldn't sit back and do nothing, sir. It's not right."

He nodded, then turned towards Carter. "Your explanation?"

Carter's eyes flitted towards Axel's before turning towards Mr. Ackerman. "Axel and I were best friends," he started. "And then Axel betrayed me. He left me and stole my other friend away from me when he knew I had no one else to turn to."

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