2. Crumbled Dreams

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Arianna Rossi

"You don't know how sorry I am for letting you go through this." My younger sister, Alicia Rossi, said as she kept a hand on mine giving it a small squeeze.

"I know, sorella." I said as a lone tear escaped my eye.

I was sitting on a vanity chair as hair experts and makeup artists were doing their magic on me, making me at least look like a happy bride. Tears again filled my eyes as everything that happed in the last two weeks rushed back to me.

~ Flashback ~

It was a lazy thursday afternoon as I was baking some cookies in my kitchen when a maid informed me that my father wanted to see me in his office. I laid the cookies on the cooling rack and made my way towards his office. My father, Lorenzo Rossi, is the head of the Southern Italian Mafia. He was everything you'd imagine a mafia man to be. Cold, harsh and cold. He has never really been there for me ever in my 21 years of life. It has always been me and my sister, for each other. My mother passed away when I was 7 and Alicia, 5.

I knocked on my father's office door and a gruff 'come in' was heard. I opened the door and entered in. He didn't speak a word and gestured me to sit on the chair in front of him. I did as I was told and he kept his file aside.

"You turned 21 last week, ?" He asked and I nodded.

He continued, "Since you're an adult now, you can legally get married. I've called you here today because I would like to inform you that I've fixed your marriage to the head of the Northern Italian Mafia, Dario De Luca. You're to be his wife in return of which, he'll take over our business here in the Southern Italy. Wedding's in 2 weeks and everything is taken care of." He said making my world stop.

What? I was shocked and no words were coming out of my mouth. How can he do this to me. I'm his daughter not a piece of land which he can sign away to someone like this. I am a human. I have feelings. I have dreams. I want to find someone who I love and actually, really want to get married to. I don't wanna be stuck in a loveless marriage for the rest of my life just for my father to gain profit.

Tears threatened to spill as I looked at my stone cold father in pure horror. His face was devoid of any emotions. His eyes were cold and emotionless.

"But father I wanna find someone I love and want to get married to him. I wanna build a home with that man. I don't want a loveless marriage. I don't wanna be a piece of good that you can sell away like that, father." I said as tears run down my face, soaking my tee.

"Don't forget who you're talking to, ragazza. I'm your father." He said as anger took over his sense.

"Love is an absolutely useless feeling. There's no meaning to the feeling. It makes you weak and I despise that. Stop crying, Arianna. Think about all the luxuries and amenities you'll get when you marry him. You'll be the First Lady to the whole Italian Mafia. Other girls would kill to be in your position. Be glad you got this opportunity." He shouted at me once again and left his office, banging the door behind him.

I got up too, rushing back to my room as the cookies I was baking earlier were long forgotten. I got on my bed and hugged the pillow tightly. Tears soaked my pillow as I thought of the conversation I earlier had with my father. I was sold. My own father sold me to another monster for power.

I mean, how am I suppose to marry a man who I've never even met? I don't know a thing about him. From the news that I've heard, he's rude, heartless and has anger issues.

Sure, he looks good. I've seen his pictures on the internet before. He's tall, 6'1 approximately and is well built. He has multiple tattoos on his body. I am not a really big fan of body tattoos especially when they're significantly visible and numerous but somehow they look good on him. He has black hair, dark brown eyes and a sharp jawline. He was sinfully handsome, I have to admit. But is that reason enough for me to marry a stranger?

~ End of Flashback ~

My chain of thoughts was broken when a knock was heard on the door. I looked up in the mirror and a silent gasp escaped my lips. I don't know how but the makeup artists did a great job in hiding my puffed eyes and the bags under them. Honestly, I've spent the last whole week just locked away in my room either crying or remembering my mom. I even tried to go to the kitchen and bake something, which I usually do when I'm stressed but that didn't help me either.

I ran my hands through my wedding dress and felt how soft it is. It was made for someone who's genuinely happy in wearing it, which saddened me. It was beautiful to say the least. It was a see through, white lace elegant gown. As for my appearance, I had my hair down in voluminous waves and my makeup was on point. I ditched the veil as it didn't really go with the dress.

"It's time, Arianna." The wedding planner informed.

"Let's go." My father said in his heavy Italian accent. Alicia handed me my bouquet which consisted of some white flowers. She herself was dressed in a blush pink gown as she was my bridesmaid. Her dress went well with the white and blue theme of the wedding. She was the one who actually planned the whole of my wedding along with the wedding planner as I was least interest in it.

I placed my hand around my father's arm and we all walked out of the spare room, I was given to get dressed in.

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