14. Royal Flush

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Dario De Luca

"And looks like it's on time." I tuned around and saw Arianna walking towards me.

I smirked at her as I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her to me. I was seated and still was a bit taller than her. A small blush appeared on her cheek and she hesitantly looked at everyone seated on the table.

"This is my wife, Arianna De Luca." I gave them a small introduction. She smiled and waved at them. Everyone introduced themselves and had a small talk with her. They were obviously curious about my newly discovered wife and asked her and I, questions about her father, her involvement in my business, etc.

After all of that was over, I seated Arianna on my seat and stood beside her.

"Gentlemen, how about we spice up the next round a little bit. We won't reveal our cards after the initial two. The tip and bust remain normal as do the starting bet. Also, the dealer will not take the money when a person calls 'bust'. The final person active in the game takes all the money. Okay?" Mr. Lombardi said and we all accepted except for Díaz, the Spanish Mafia.

"That's against the rule, Mr. Lombardi." He said and the man smirked in return. "It's my casino. I can bend a few rules, Mr. Díaz." He smoothly said and almost all of us smirked at the subtle message there.

"My wife will play the next round instead of me." I announced and Arianna turned his head towards me in horror.

"I don't know how to play blackjack." She whispered in a hush voice.

"I'll help you, preziosa." I replied in the same voice, caressing her soft rosy cheek with my rough hand. She blinked a few times but eventually nodded her head.

"What would you all like to drink before beginning our next round?" Mr. Lombardi asked as he called for a waiter. I ordered a whiskey neat while Arianna got herself an apple martini. Shortly, the drinks were served and the dealer fetched out a fresh deck of cards.

"Very well then. Gentlemen, let's begin." Mr. Lombardi said with a smile.

This time the dealer gave us the card without revealing them. He handed Arianna our cards and they were a 'Q' and '8' taking out total to 18. I simultaneously taught her the game. I caged her from the behind, as I kept both of my hands on the table,  on either side of her. My breath hit her neck and I swear I felt her shiver a bit.

I love the effect I have on her.

The Spanish and Portuguese Mafia called a bust after the second round leaving, I, Michali and Australian Mafia in the game. We all staked out our prices quite high in the following few rounds. We asked for another card and so did the other two.

We got a '2' this time, taking out total to 20. Australian Mafia called bust, leaving just I and Michali in the round. I asked for another card and got a 'A' which I'm going to count as 1. This took out total to 21. Yes!

Both Michali and I went all in. If Michali gets his total for 22 he automatically gets out of the game. There was no chance he can beat a clear 21. The dealer revealed his cards which were 'Q' and '10', his total being 20.

Michali and I revealed our cards and turns out he got his total as 19 which meant only one thing.

"We won this game." Arianna said and all of them clapped for us.

"We did." I said and she turned around a little to hug me.

After some rounds of Roulette next, we decided we'll play just once last game of poker and then call it a night. Arianna went back to join Nina while I played these games. We were in the middle of a conversation when I saw both Nina and Arianna came in. Just what I needed.

Just like before, I sat Arianna on my previous seat and handed her the cards. She did know how to play poker and she was quite experienced too. The dealer once again pulled out a fresh deck of cards and distributed us with them. We all placed our bets and Arianna revealed our first three cards. They were in the sequence, 4-5-6. That was a good sign.

The Spanish, Portuguese and Australia mafia called pack one by one and for the second time that night, it was Michali versus us. Michali gave me a knowing look and smirked at me. He said, "all in," and Arianna revealed our other two cards to me. They were 7-8. She hesitantly showed our cards and Matteo air-fisted as he exclaimed a 'yes!"

We had a royal flush.

All the blood drained from Michali's face. We won approximately 500 million tonight and he alone lost 370 of them. That got to hurt.

Confetti was thrown as Mr. Lombardi announced, "A huge congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. De Luca for having a royal flush tonight." Everyone clapped, hooted and congratulated us.

Arianna spun around and I cupped her cheek, kissing her soft pink lips. My Lucky Charm.




"So what do you wanna do with your money?" I asked as I sat beside Arianna on the bed.

"My money?" She asked as she looked up in surprise at me, from the book she was previously reading.

"Of course. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have won, preziosa." She giggle and bit her lip as if she had thought.

"Can I donate some of it into an orphanage? My mom used to do it all the time." She said and left me stunned. If it had been anyone else they would've either spent it on a vacation, shopping or would've just splurged it away but not Arianna. The first thing that came to her mind was to help others. How is she so kind?

"Anything you want, mia Regina." I said and kissed her lips.
(my Queen)

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