Tongue hockey day?

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Sarah's POV.

We all make mistakes. Sometimes we learn from it and sometimes we take the hard way.


And sometimes we just need a break. Have you heard that weird vibes from people who you have a hell lot of affection for messes up your mind?

My brain was messed.

I didn't know what to think of James now and to add it, he was my neighbour.

Sometimes, just sometimes we need to be broken down, lose the person we thought we loved, watch friends turn to strangers just to reach where your destiny intends to.

I sighed heavily leaving out a long breath. I was clinging on to the idea of James but I knew better, I knew sometimes it's not what we want.

I felt both of my sides on bed dip a little and a familiar scent hit my nostrils and I knew it's Nate and Zack. Ironically their scent is quite iconic.

"What are you doing?" Zack asked me in a low voice.

"Nothing just being in my room and staring the walls?" I didn't move my eyes from the ceiling.

"Is there some competition?" This time it was Nate. Do people have this kind of competition? Really?

What has the world come to?

"It's time for some food." It was Ellie who barged in the room. Wow is my home a hallway now? She brought us burgers. Coming to think of it I haven't eaten since morning.

"And tomorrow you're coming to school. You're going to stick your arse down the chair and watch my damn play. Do you understand?" Ellie looked straight in my eyes and said making sure I don't say anything and just agree.

"Yay great." She shrieked and clapped her hands in excitement.


Standing in school grounds I wasn't doing anything. I just looked at people who passed by, couples that kissed and made out like a hungry bear in the hallways and people who were struggling with the books and essays and whatnot.

"Hey, Sarah!" I looked up to James standing in front of me. His head hung low clearly not ready to look me in the eye.

"What do you want ?" I kept my voice barely at a tone before it starts cracking up.

"Whatever you want, just find someone else."  Nate yelled at him clenching his teeth and almost turning his hand into fists.

"Listen, mate, I just want to say sorry."

"Listen to me and listen to me very carefully, I am not your MATE and you stay the hell away from SARAH." Zack's voice was incredulously heavy and cold, clearly emphasizing on Mate and my name.

"Get lost before we make sure you do!" Nate yelled loudly before hugging me.

I didn't have the strength to stand and see suddenly. It felt like my heart has been clenched and it has been made sure that it hurts. I swear.

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