Kylie's Feelings

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I kept myself curled up with a book by the fireplace, determined to tamp down the urge to race to the front door if ever a car pulls up the driveway. I tried to keep everything casual even when in all reality, I was just staring at the pages. I acted like I was in the cabin with Audrey and Vren snuggled in the sofa with their baby while Emma and Matthew bask in the sunset at the porch.

I acted like I was practically a third wheel to the couple, laughing with their private jokes. I acted like I wasn't there to see Christian. I acted like I wasn't there to talk to him. To finally have a talk with him.

My head snapped up when I hear a car groaning to a stop in the driveway. Carefully, I put my phone down, snuck a peek to Audrey and Vren who were oblivious of everything else. Miles was laughing while his daddy kept making funny faces.

I padded out of the living room quietly. I pushed the front door open, my heart doing a weird dance when I saw him climbing out of the driver's seat in his dark jeans and casual shirt rolled to his elbows. He pushes his sunglasses to his head, walking around to the passenger side.

My brow creased when he opened the door. Then long legs came into view, followed by an extravagant entirety of his female company.

My heart plummeted to my stomach where a constant shivving sensation added to my discomfort.

It wasn't the woman from the newspaper. She had gorgeous locks of dark brown hair. She had an expensive fur coat that made her look expensive than she already is. Another woman who came from money.

My stomach twisted at that.

Her slender arms went around him, her lips going for a peck on his cheek.

Matthew who was at the porch with Emma glances my way, then back to the newly arrived couple. I spun back around, my heart heavy. I slink my way to the side porch. My throat constricted and I suddenly have the urge to grab someone by their luxurious dark brown hair and drown them in the lake. Shaking my head, I walk outside the cabin to clear my head.

Fifteen minutes later, my mind is still in shambles and I find myself kicking a stump like it would make me less angry. And less... hurt.


I look up and forced a smile when I saw Matthew walking toward me, his hands in his pockets. "Hi, Matthew. What's up?"

He nodded at the stump. "That thing did you wrong again?"

My face flushed beet red. "Just getting my exercise in."

"By kicking a stump?" He smiles, blue eyes warm. "I have to say, I never heard of it."

I puffed out a heavy sigh. "Fine, you caught me."

He chuckles. "What are you kicking that innocent stump for anyway?"

I look down to my ragged shoes. "I think you know."

Matthew wasn't dense. He knew very well what I was talking about. He knew better than Christian. "Sorry about that."

"You don't have to be sorry," I murmured, stuffing my hands to the pockets of my sweater. "I doubt you have anything you did that you should feel sorry for."

His hand went over my head and gave it a light pat. "If it's any consolation, I don't like that he brought a woman here too."

"We both dislike it?"

He nods. "We both dislike it."

"Does your heart aches a little too?" I look up, blinking away the tiny pricks on the corners of my eyes. It was meant to be a joke but in my cracked voice, it was a major setback from humor.

His blue eyes softened, the way Christian's did once upon a time. The resemblance was too much, it was almost looking at Christian himself. I tore my gaze away, blurriness in my vision. A hot tear snuck past my guard and I wiped it harshly.

"Kylie." Matthew's voice tendered. This time, he sounded like he was comforting a little girl from a scraped knee. And probably not the first time.

My shoulders shook from a racking sob.

He pulled me into a hug, his hand stroking my back.

I cried on his chest. "This is silly," I hiccupped.

"It's not."

"It is. I'm here crying which I'm not entitled to. I got kissed one time and I went ahead thinking he'd sweep me off my feet then we'll ride off into the sunset," I blabbered. "Damn it. This one time I finally fall in love, it's with someone who doesn't even care."

I froze. "Did I said I fell in love with Christian?" I stepped out from his embrace.

"What answer would make you feel better?" His hand went to the back of his neck. "Because you just did."

I sniveled. "Well, it doesn't matter now."

"It does. Talk to him."

I wiped my damp cheeks with the sleeves of my sweater. "Talk to him while that fancy chick is all over him? No, thanks."

"I have to give you that. Christian can be a jerk when he's not thinking straight."

Inhaling the fresh air, I put my hands to my waist. "I'm a big girl. Heartache is just part of growing up."

"I guess." He shrugged. "Are you feeling okay now?"

"No, I'd be devastated for a while. I'm not a badass like Audrey," I say wryly.

"You are. You're soldiering up right now. That's called a badass too."

A wayward laugh managed to rip out of my throat. "Thank you. I feel a lot better."

"You want to go back inside?"

I hesitated.

"I'll stay close by."

I scrunched my nose. "Can I hover without you getting annoyed?"

"It's the least I can do." He ruffles my hair then draped a protective arm over my shoulders, leading me back to the cabin. "Help me make dinner."

"Sure. I'm Matthew's little helper."

He laughs. "You really are feeling better."

I wasn't. I'm still hurting like a truck just ran me over. My heart is irrevocably upended. And I still think of Christian like he is the guy I could at least have in my dreams. Who am I stand in the way if he wanted to be with a flighty party girl? 

I apologize in advance. For this chapter and the next. Don't kill me. lol.  Anyways, tell me what you think of the chapter in the comments below. :) My heart hurt a little when I wrote this chapter. Did yours hurt too when you read the chapter? I want to know if it's just me. 🤣

Thank you so much for reading. How many more chapters do you think I still have up my sleeve? 

Love you! Xoxo.

Love you! Xoxo

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