Chapter 8

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"A million words would not bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried"

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"A million words would not bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried"

Thanks to foxboy7729 for the ideas to this story!

3rd person POV

Steve hesitated in front of the door to Stiles room for a second before walking in. Stiles looked up in surprise he didnt expect anyone to come in and see him for at least a few hours. Steve sat down in silence looking at Stiles. Steve was studying him to see if there was anything he had miss that could tell him the truth.

Stiles was the first to break the silence "So Captain America in person came to see me i feel honored" he said in a sarcastic tone leaning back in his chair. Steve just gave a little laugh from him "Steve, my name is Steve Rogers" he said in a friendly tone. "I know who you are" Stiles said in an angry tone. He didnt want to talk to them anymore. Steve ignored the harsh tone "How do you know who I am?" He said in just as sweet voice as before. Stiles scoffed "I know who you are because when I was younger you guys were my heroes. Until I realised you guys aren't hero's, your just some stupid people doing just as much damage as your doing harm" Stiles said looking Steve straight in the eyes. Steve looked at him for a second "Is that what you think of us?" Steve asked in almost a hurt tone.

Stiles just gave him a shrug. Steve thought a little before asking "Do you think you deserve to be locked up?" Steve asked. Stiles was stunned. He had expected Steve to ask something like 'did you kill them' or 'What are you powers'. Stiles just sat with his mouth a gape. "M-maybe I d-d-dont know" Stiles said looking at his hands. Stiles knew he had just messed up, he shouldn't have said that, but something about Steve made him want to tell the truth. "What do you mean maybe?" Steve questioned "Did you do something that made you deserve to get locked up" Steve continued. Stiles just looked anywhere but at Steve.

Stiles didnt trust himself to speak he was scared that if he answered he was just gonna tell everything. Steve looked at him awaiting an answer. After a little while Steve realised he weren't gonna get a answer. "Why do you do this, Stiles, I'm trying to help" Steve said in a sincere voice. Stiles gave a dry laugh from him "youre trying to help? The only thing you and your little friends are trying is get me locked up!" Stiles said raising his voice in the end. "I could help you if you would tell me the true" Steve said looking pleadingly at Stiles.

Steve really wanted to help Stiles. There was just something about him Steve thought. Stiles looked at him for a moment before answering "I'm not stupid. I know that theres people on the other side of the mirror watching us and the second i convince they're gonna lock me up in a cell forever"
"No they're not. There aren't anyone on the other side of the mirror i came alone to try and talk to you" Steve replied.

Stiles looked at him trying to figure out it he was lying or not. Stiles wanted to tell him the truth but he knew better than to let his guard down. "Why should I believe you?" Stiles questioned looking at Steve awaiting an answer. "Because I want to help you, and right now I'm the only person that's trying to help you" Steve said without hesitation. Stiles looked confused at him he didnt understand why Steve were trying to help ham. "W-why do you w-want to help me?" Stiles stuttered out. "Because Stiles i dont believe you killed all those people. I dont know why I believe you but theres something about" Steve answered in a sincere voice. Stiles eyes started to swell with tears. This was all he wanted to hear for so long, that someone believed him. Stiles felt a few tears roll down his cheek but he quickly wiped them away hoping Steve didn't see them.

Steve had seen the tears roll down Stiles cheek. He could see that Stiles had went through a lot. Neither if them said anything so Steve took this time to take in Stiles' appearance. The first thing Steve noticed was Stiles sickly pale skin and his big dark bags under his eyes. He also noticed how thin Stiles looked and how it looked like he hadn't taken a shower in weeks. Stiles began to feel uncomfortable under Steve gaze it felt like Steve could see right through him. "How long is it since you have eaten anything?" Steve asked curiously. "I-I dont know a 1 day maybe" Stiles answered. "Stiles dont lie to me. How long is it since you have eaten" Steve asked again seeing right through Stiles lie. "A couple of weeks maybe I'm not sure" Stiles answered now truthfully.

Steve was shocked. A couple of weeks was a very long time if you didnt eat anything. "How has it been since you've slept" Steve asked another question. Stiles thought about his answer for a minute. Should he lie, No that wouldn't help anything Steve would just figure it out. "A month or two I guess" Stiles answered with a shrug. Again Steve was shocked, but it would explain the big bags under his eyes Steve thought. "Why?" Steve asked
"Why what?" Stiles didnt understand Steve question.
"Why haven't you slept?" Steve clarified sounding worried.

Stiles didn't understand why was Steve so worried about him, they had only just met plus he was wanted for murder on multiple people. Steve cared more about him and than his pack, well his former pack. "Every time I try to sleep I get nightmares where I literally have to scream myself awake, I would rather not sleep than wake up screaming" Stiles answered truthfully. Stiles didnt know why he told Steve the truth but something inside of him said he could trust him.

Steve nodded at Stiles. "I know you probably won't answer, but what about the murders? did you kill the people? Or is there more to the story like I think there is?" Steve asked. Steve knew he probably shouldn't push his luck about getting answers, but he feel like he is getting somewhere. "I didnt do it. I know all the evidence points towards me, but I swear I didnt do it" Stiles answered in a pleading tone. Stiles really wanted Steve to believe him. "I believe you-" Steve said to Stiles surprise "but you have to explain everything to me so I can help you, and I mean everything, Stiles, no more secrets" Steve tells Stiles in a firm voice. Steve really did believe. Stiles look hesitant before he answer. "Fine, I will tell you everything, but first you have to get me out of here" Stiles said in a serious voice.

Steve looked at him with disbelief, Stiles couldn't ask him to do that, Steve thought. "I cant do that Stiles" Steve said
"If you want me to tell you everything you have to do it. Its not for my own fault its so I dont hurt anyone else" Stiles told him in a firm voice. "What do you mean its so you dont hurt anyone else?" Steve asked confused. "I will tell you that when were out and far away from here-" Stiles said "Is it a deal? I tell you everything and you help me get out of here?" Stiles questioned Steve.
Steve thought for a little moment before giving a defeated sigh. "Fine-" Steve said leaning forward looking Stiles in the eyes
"I'll help you escape"

This chapter is done. And OMG almost 500 reads that's AMAZING!! I love you all so much. Here this is for you *giving you all imaginary ice cream*

Love ya all

Till next time

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