Chapter 12

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"Life is made of so many partings welded together"-Charles Dickens

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"Life is made of so many partings welded together"
-Charles Dickens

3rd person POV
Im sorry I cant let you do that" Steve answered. "Why not? Have you been working with him the whole time?" Natasha asked. Steve quickly glanced at Stiles who stood behind him. Stiles looked terrified. "I know what I'm doing. You have to trust me" Steve said trying to convince them. Tony scoffed. "Trust you? Trust you! He's a murdere Steve. You saw him kill a person" Stiles flinched at Tonys word. "I know alright I know-" Steve answered angry now "But theres more to the story. I know there is" Tony laughed a dry almost hysterical laugh. "Your helping him because your instinct tells you so"
"He's right Steve. We always have to look at the facts first. Maybe theres more to the story, but we saw him kill a person and he's dangerous. You saw his powers" Natasha spoke this time. Steve didn't answer this time, but he didnt make Any sign of wanting to surrender either.

"We have to take you in Steve" Clint said looking from Steve to Stiles. All the avengers looked expectantly at Steve waiting for him to give up and surrender. Steve shook his head after a long silence. "I cant do that. Now please move or this will end in a fight and neither of us wants that" Steve spoke looking at them. "I was hoping we could avoid this" Tony spoke in a sad tone. "You always have to pick the hard way dont you Steve?"
Tony raised his arm at them pointing his weapon. Natasha and Steve followed his example and raised they're weapons pointing at them.

Stiles still stood behind Steve and was watching them talk. He could feel the Nogitsune trying to come through and he knew if he didnt get away soon it would. Everything here was chaos which must made the Nogitsune stronger. Stiles took a step forward standing beside Steve. "Please let us go. I know what it looks like, but the only reason I'm escaping is so i dont hurt anyone" Stiles spoke for the first time. His voice was full of desperation. Everyone looked at Stiles surprised not expecting him to talk. Even Steve looked surprised at Stiles. "You killed people" Natasha spoke harshly. "Its not what it looks like" Stiles tried to explain to all of them. Natasha scoffed

"Not what it looks like? Even if you didn't do anything back in Beacon Hills, which I highly doubt, we saw you kill a person. And you powers makes you dangers and a threat!" Natasha was furious now. Why would he try to convince them that he was innocent. How stupid does he think they are.

Stiles didn't know what to say. He couldn't tell them everything they would just start investigation Beacon Hills, and they would keep him in the facility which meant he would probably end up hurting someone. "Please" Stiles said. He didn't know what else to say, but it seemed like that one word did a difference that  not even a thousand words could be able to do. Suddenly Natasha looked unsure.

"We saw you kill people. Are you just gonna deny that?!" Clint stepped forward now when he saw Natasha getting unsure. Stiles looked over at Clint now. "No... No I'm not gonna deny it. I did kill people, but non of them were on purpose, it wasn't really me" This just did them all even more confuse. "I know its hard to understand, but I'm trying not to hurt you. Please just let us get through" he continued.

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