Ch:26 Players

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(Lea's P.O.V)

"Nope. I got absolutely no time to spare. Did you know the teachers here are merciless and give a lot of homework? All at the same time, especially when midterms are coming!? I'm currently juggling between Biology and Algebra homework while writing an Essay on the French Revolution? Again!?"

I gave Lisa an exasperated look before blowing out a raspberry for no reason whatsoever. She gave me a sheepish look.

Honestly, midterms are in two weeks and I have a mission to accomplish while juggling normal teenage school life and drama. So not fair!

These girls had been trying to convince me to go grab a coffee with them after school but the tired routine has already caught onto me. Not to mention that what Scarlett told me yesterday was enough to make me have a mini heart attack. Okay fine, half the reason was that I'd pecked Sam on the cheek but....

I still can't figure out why I did that though....its too confusing.

My feelings are too confusing.

"Sorry, girl but we have been here longer than you....which means we also suffered more." Maggie reasoned while adjusting her bobby hair pin.

I sighed and closed my locker door after putting in the books for the next 4 periods. The hallway was buzzing with noise which I'd gotten used to. Comparing this with my old school, I can make out that Maple High was a lesser noise pollution donater. Yeah....

A smile crept up when I saw Chris and Mike approaching us from behind Lisa who was opposite me with their bags slung over their shoulders.

"Yo, bro!" I greeted Chris with a fake spunky badass voice and look which made all of them chuckle and laugh. I grinned widely. Being with all of them made me temporarily forget about my friends back home and I was glad about that. At least I didn't miss them as bad is what I mean.

"Hey, Lea." Both of them greeted me and then looked over to Maggie and Lisa.

Okay, so maybe I AM a bad friend. I have yet to introduce them to each other!! At least officially.........

As the realization hit me, I looked at them all with a sheepish look.

"I have yet to introduce you guys to each other....." I gave a nervous chuckle, "I'm so sorry." I deadpanned.

Maggie waved me off, "No big deal. You can do that now, right?" She prompted me. Sometimes I wonder how she's so bipolar. Friendly one minute and shy the other.

I instantly nodded and turned to Chris and Mike who grinned at me. I rolled my eyes before starting a failed attempt of introducing them.

"Okay, so you both definitely know who Chris and Mike are but they'll obviously be unaware of your existence."



'That was bad. Very bad.'

'I know.' I replied miserably. That was just plain offensive. We might have gotten off the wrong foot here......

I really suck at intros, don't I?

"Okay, no! That came out wrong!" I frantically tried to make it better and by the amount of awkwardness and uncomfortable tension in the air? We could drown in it.

"I so did not mean for that to be offensive! It's just that Chris and Mike are definitely known around here but you girls are apparently socially awkward potatoes so....." I started frantically but by the end I realized what nonsense I'd spouted which me me groan in embarrassment and trail my words. I made a face at no one in particular.

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