12: Fuck off? Fuck off

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Colin's hand went up to Peter's face at the same time his tongue grazed Peter's

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Colin's hand went up to Peter's face at the same time his tongue grazed Peter's. It felt good. So damn good. But it seemed those caresses were what jerked Peter out of the blissful trance he was in because his eyes shot wide open in panic. Immediately, he pulled away, an action so forceful his hand knocked Colin's drink to the floor.

The brunet was taken by surprise but he managed to grab the can before a lot of the Smirnoff could spill onto the carpet. Rubbing his eyes, he set the can on the table and looked up. Peter was gone.

Colin tried his best to clean the small, circular stain on the carpet and when he was done, it was a big damp irregular spot. He picked up the cans and pizza box and after setting the edible leftovers in the fridge, dumped the rest in the trash.

He pursued Peter next, and with his head resting against Peter's bedroom door, he knocked.

"Hey, Pikachu, are you alright?"

"Fuck off," came the answer. It was muffled but the spite and anger in the tone was not mistaken.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I said fuck off. Don't you get it?"

"What I don't get is how you're leaning into me one moment and the next you're acting like this." Colin sighed, voice low.

Colin could have sworn the boy had kissed him back. His body and tongue had moved in sync with Colin's, doing the same dance of light coaxing which progressed into heavy ravishing.

"Tell me what's wrong so I can help," Colin said and under his breath added, "you big baby."

"I heard that!"

Colin's eyebrows lifted in amusement. The only way Peter could have heard him whisper was if he was also close to the other side of the door.

"Then you also heard that I want to help, Pikachu." Colin's hand landed on the doorknob and he gave it a twist. The door didn't budge.

"You can help by leaving me alone... like I said."

"Alright, I'm going." Colin lifted both his hands in mock surrender even though Peter couldn't see him. "We'll talk tomorrow, okay?"

"I don't wanna talk tomorrow... or ever. Just... fuck off already."

Colin backed away from the door, eyes trained on the wood for a couple of seconds before he turned. But just as he opened his own door, he heard a slight creaking sound. Because of the light that streamed from inside, he spotted Peter's dark eyes staring after him through the small crack between the door and the doorjamb.

Smiling to himself, Colin only cocked his head slightly to the side-- just enough so Peter could know he was aware of his gaze.

The door opened wide enough for Peter's hand to fit through it. His middle finger went up and Colin returned the gesture before he stepped into his own room, both doors shutting simultaneously.

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