Part 17- Rewritten

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I gasp at the clearing where the lake lays. The scene is so cliche looking like its been ripped straight out of some mushy gushy romance novel. Rose petals lie around the lake in a perfect little line down the stream.  Hearts hang off the trees along with... wait, are those chocolates?  It must of taken a lot of time and patience to get small little chocolates on a string. They are Hershey kisses and little small heart shapped ones. On heart shaped paper cute little romantic sayings have been written. I look at the one closest to me and see it says "you taste like sunshine just like you've been kissed by the morning light, and I was the darkness dancing with the stars carelessly, breathlessly, and our lips meet softly, color erupting in the atmosphere the absolute lightest darkness, dawn is breaking: a fleeting moment when the sun can kiss the moon.-AKR." Reading it makes me blush and look away. The words written were beautiful.

"You didnt have to do all of this ya know." I say as I take in the beautiful scene around me. The sun glimmers off the clear blue water making it glisten. Butterflys float around happily spreading love. The whole thing looks so magical and fairytale like that everytime I look I think about how I feel as if I dont belong here.  Like this place is too beautiful for anyone to come near.

"Yeah, but I wanted too. Plus I had a little help from some friends." He says giving me a knowing smile making me shake my head and laugh a little.

"We have so many memories here its crazy. I think I lost count of all the things we did here as kids."

"Well I didn't. We have seven most memorable moments."

"Oh really? And What are those."

"Hmm, the time I taught you how to swim, the first picnic we all had here with our family. Your first fourth of July. Even though I was three I still remember the look on your face when you saw the fireworks. Your face was filled with joy as you tried to clap at the fireworks. Oh, how about the first time you wore a two piece. You were so self conscious,  but I helped you feel better. Must I go on?" He asks with a quirked eyebrow making me shake my head in embarrasment as I remember the moments we've spent here. This was practically our second home. I use to want to live here when I was six. I claimed this is where I would get married, and to this day I still want to get married here. I love this place.

"You know if girls saw this side of you more often they might never let go of you." I say referring to all those clingy girls who want those bad boys who are secret softys.

"That's the thing. Other than my family and occasionally Marie, you are the only one who sees this side of me. And the only person who I've ever even been this romantic and cheesy to is you. You are turning me into a complete sap!" He says with an acussing smile making me blush. God it seems like I'm blushing a lot these days. 

"Come on, now strip and lets have some fun. Last one in the water is a rotten egg!" He screams childishly before stripping into his swim trunks as I quickly pull the belt off and the dress over my head. I pull off my wedges letting my toes sink into the soft grass below. I quickly run and catch up to Jace as we both jump in at the same time making the water splash every where. 

We both quickly come up for air and laugh.

"I won." Jace says with a smile.

"No you didn't, it was a tie."

"No it wasn't."

"Yes it was."





"N-" I cut him off by splashing water in his face before bursting into laughter as I see his shocked expression.

"Oh, its on." He grins at me mischievously making my eyes widen and run as fast as I can in the opposite direction, but I don't get far because I'm instantly picked up and dunked under the water. We have a water fight for a good hour before deciding to get out because lets be honest being all shriveled up is not attractive.  We get dressed and we are just about to leave when he hands me seven more tulips all wrapped up in a blue bow. Now there is fifteen in total. What is he doing? I unwrap the bow and add the other eight to the collection before re-wrapping so I won't lose them.

"Come on, we have to get to our next destination before sunset." He grabs my hand and drags me out of the forrest and out of the park to the parking lot where I see his car making my jaw drop.

"Your car was here the whole time?"

"Yeah, where else would I be getting all that stuff from? My magical ass?" I glare at him and cross my arms over my chest.

"Maybe," I grumble out. He always has something smart to say and never fails to make me look stupid. 

We spend about thirty minutes in the car which consisted me of singing and hin constantly trying to change the radio station, which really didn't help because I knew every song, even on the Spanish station I was singing along. He eventually just turned off the radio, but I still continued to sing any song that came to mind. I always sing terribly on purpose because his reactions are funny. 

We eventually pull up to a cliff just as the sun is about to set. He pulls me out of the car wordlessly and he climbs on top of the car making me mimic his move. He puts his arm around me and pulls me into his chest making my head rest on his shoulder. I'm a little confused to what's going on.

"Jace w-" He cuts me off with shhh making me clamp my muth shut and scrunch my eyebrows together just as the sun sets behind some hills in the distance. It was beautiful. I've always loved watching the sky fill with colors like purple, orange and red. Its so beautiful and almost magical. I'm about to speak again since the sky slowly started to fill with bright twinkling dancing stars and we've been sitting here in silence for about thirty minutes. The silence I don't mind, but the confusion is really getting to me. I once again open my mouth, only to clamp it shut when beautiful colors start to light up the sky making me unconsciously say "wow."

Jace sends me a smile and kisses my check. "I thought you would like it. Oh and here, the last tulip." He hands me the tulip, I now have sixteen in total.

"Each tulip repersents the most amazing memories we have had together and the past sixteen years we've known each other. Hints the reason why there is sixteen tulips. This last tulip is for this new memory we've just created."

I look at him as my mouth goes dry and tears threaten to spill out of my eyes. These arent sad tears, no these are the comolete opposite. This is just so sweet and overwhelming.  I don't deserve this, but yet he did all this sweet, cheesy,  romantic stuff for me! God, this boy is going to be the death of me.

"Y-you shouldn't of done this." I choke as he smiles at me hugging me closer.

"But I wanted to do it. I wanted to make up for the past few years, and this isn't even the beginning of it. Aphrodite Gomez you have me completely and utterly in love with you. Every day I can't help but think about you. Even when we weren't friends anymore, all I could think of was your beautiful brown eyes, your silky black hair and your radiant smile. I fell for you a long time ago and I just didn't want to admit it. I wanted  you to have the person you deserve, but I'm a selfish man and didn't want anyone else to touch you. I just didn't know what to do. But now everything makes since. I want you and I want the babies. I guess what I'm trying to say is will you be my girlfriend?" In that moment I look at him, tears streaming down my face and I kiss him. He Instantly responds wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer. My hands run threw his black messy hair. It feels like eternity before we pull away us both painting heavily.

"I love you." I say before he kisses me again.

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