eight. FATE

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I still dream in indigo when you're around

The day passed relatively uneventfully for Carmen Swan who had weaved in and out of classes for the majority the morning

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The day passed relatively uneventfully for Carmen Swan who had weaved in and out of classes for the majority the morning. Her last lesson for the day was French, one she had always excelled in. With this being her last 'new' class, she was glad that the awkward introductions were almost over.

"Ah bonjour Mademoiselle, Miss Swan, oui?"


"Ah Bien, Je m'appelle Madame Bernard, please take the empty seat next to Monsieur Hale," the teacher pointed as the young brunette followed where she'd pointed. Her breath hitching when oceans of blue met shining topaz.

Carmen hadn't realised the blond boy was even there when she'd entered but was grateful for the familiar face. He smiled up at her as she approached, although he seemed much tenser at the back of the classroom than he had been when Carmen had hung out with him and his siblings, as though he were in pain. Maybe he just wasn't a people person, Carmen wondered.

"Salut Cowboy," she teased as she fell into her seat,

"Hey, doll," he drawled, noticing the gentle curl of her lashes that framed the blue flames in her eyes. He could have stared forever but was cut off as the class started, yet that didn't seem to prevent his constant glances to the girl he was magnetised to. 

The class passed by quickly, and Carmen bid the boy farewell as the two parted to their respective lockers. It was yet to rain today, hopefully signalling the nearing of Fork's attempt at summer with temperatures as warm as Arizona in winter. Carmen made her way to the red truck where Bella awaited with her headphones plugged into her ears, ever the introvert. She gave small smiles to the classmates that grinned or greeted her as she passed, the Swan twins had clearly made quite the impact on the small school.

The two girls slid into the truck after greeting one another. It roared to life beneath them as Carmen pulled out of the car park, tooting at Alice who waved so hard that Carmen was pretty sure her arm would fall off.

"Mike asked you out yet?" Carmen teased after noticing the boy's eyes linger on her sister. Bella rolled her eyes as she cranked on the radio. "Alice ask you?" she retorted, earning a mirror eye roll from Carmen.
Bella skimmed through the stations before being interrupted by her sister flicking her hand away, "Wait, I love this song."


Carmen sat in her bed, skimming halfheartedly through her biology notes, questioning why she even chose the subject in the first place. Charlie's snores were practically deafening when compared to the brutal silence filling her room. A slam echoed as the pages of the textbook met each other and the brunette groan in frustration. Dropping out to become a stripper sounds like a pretty good life plan right now.

She slipped on a black, hooded jacket and tied the laces to Bella's black converse which she was yet to return. As quiet as the moon, she slipped through the open window to the wind that roared outside. She scaled down the tree, jumping the last metre with the agility that Bella could only dream of. The grass spilled with leftover rainwater as the converse took the girl from the unfenced backyard to the woods beyond. Carmen followed wherever the woods beckoned her. She followed a crooked branch that looked like an arrow, then over a small hill where the moon gleaned. She continued for a while, not caring how far she went as she'd always seemed to have a knack for finding her way home.

She came to a ledge overlooking the forest bellow, from up here, the trees seemed to blend, disguising the earth below. She scaled a sturdy tree near the edge and gazed out, listening to the whispers of the forest and became saturated with the moon's gaze at the fearless girl below. She stayed there and watched the pale face above rising to its zenith in the dark sky.

Carmen was sitting on a branch with her legs dangling when the air around her changed. A feeling of warmth and security overcame her body, despite the cold's nagging. Her mind begged her to glance down, nothing out of the ordinary as triggered her other sense, yet there at the cliff's edge stood a boy around her age. He stood with his back towards her, his blond hair reached the end of his neck in beautiful curls and his tall frame seemed at ease, yet from what she could see of his face, he seemed rigid in confusion.



Jasper Hale didn't register the cold, he hadn't for at least a century. Since he had turned, he had relished in the nights roaming the world while the humans slept, a time where he wasn't a danger to anyone, not even Carmen Swan.

He'd been hunting to fill the time, escaping the all-consuming thoughts of a certain beauty. As he sped through the trees that loomed above, he had time to think. Edward was determined to hide Carmen's twin from their world. In a way, Jasper knew his brother was right. But the blond Hale couldn't help but cling to the sliver of hope for the future that Alice has given him. Maybe it was the thoughts of Carmen that latched his mind onto the luxurious scent, for it wasn't until he arrived at the edge of a cliff that he came to his senses.
His muscles eased at her magnolia perfume that entwined with the wet earth, but his brow furrowed in confusion. He couldn't see her as he keenly scanned his surrounding, but he sensed her presence. What was she doing this far out? And so far from town?

A light thump sounded as someone landed on the soggy earth, "Jasper?"

The blond boy whipped around, his keen eyes finding hers under the light of the stars. "Carmen...what are you doing here?" He asked concerned as he slowly walked towards her, scanning her face for any damage.

She just chuckled and rose a perfect eyebrow "could ask you the very same thing," she replied with her eyes narrowed slightly with a hint of suspicion.

He scratched the back of his head nervously, "couldn't sleep?" Although it sounded more like a question, though it's partly true.

She nodded and replied "biology,"
Of course, Jasper was confused but she didn't elaborate as she began to scale the tree that she'd jumped from. She sat down in her previous place on the branch, glanced down at him then shuffled over a little at patted the space beside her. His face held a bewildered smile as he stared up at the wonder before him. Her long hair spilled over her shoulders from the black hood on her head, which cast a shadow over her eyes, leaving her devilish smile gleaming at him.
He followed the path she'd taken at a human pace before sitting next to her and following her gaze to the stars that burned above.

Minutes passed and the stars stared back and the two sat in silence, relishing in the quiet that was scarcely available when the sun kisses the sky. "Jasper, do you believe in fate?"

His gaze trained in on her face, he felt her serenity but he'd never wished for Edward's gift more as he tried to read her thoughts through her face.

A minute or so passed as he gathered his thoughts, does fate exist? If that is what led her to him, Jasper Hale would thank the stars from his knees for binding their souls. For she was the stars, she was the whole night sky, a mystery...but eternal, he'd be left bewitched forever.

"perhaps...do you believe that's what led us both here?"

She gave an alluring smile, a poker-face that vowed to never convey her mind. It bothered Jasper to no end, his gift had always enabled him to understand people. But her very existence seemed like a mischievous deception.

"Maybe we're just the universe's amusement. Some things are too strange and strong to be a coincidence," she merely whispered, she met his eyes and a thousand words were whispered through a glance.

Her head came to rest on his cold shoulder and he stiffened before she linked her pinky finger with his. Although she had been whole before, a part of her soul felt filled. The knowledge that she would no longer have to walk the nights alone lulled her mind to rest.

"Maybe some souls were just meant to collide," she whispered before the night stole her consciousness.


late-night rendezvous?

I say hell yeh


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