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Meh: I really don't wanna do this one... ☹️, but sadly I have to....... This one is..... Dramione, and no Pic cause, I don't want Dramione junk in my phone! Full offense.

Le chosen one: what's Dramione? Since you won't show us a picture

Meh: dear Potter, you will not like it... Dramione is Drake and Mione...

Le chosen one: who is Drake?

Meh: Potter you really are dumb! Drake this Draco!

Le chosen one: whatever..., hold on a second.. If Dra means Draco, Mione must mean HERMIONE?!

Meh: yes Potter, oh and since when did you get on a first name basis with Dragon huhhh~?

Le chosen one: *blushing* never! But why the hell would people ship Mione and Dra- I mean Malfoy?!

Dray: *writing* were you just about to call be by my first name again Potter~?

Le chosen one: N-no! I wasn't!

Dray: *still writing* mhmm sureee~

Meh: alright, cut the sexual tension hoomans! And focus!

Mione: *crying* what is it with shipping me and everyone else?! Sink!

Weasle: I'm sorry Hermione, and it's a sink from me!

Le chosen one: sink!

Meh: it's a sink from me too

Dray: *writing* eww! Sink! Never in my life would I like Granger!

Meh: Drake that's rude!

Dray: *writing* so?

Meh: ugh! I can't deal with you, Pansy will have to deal with you, honestly I feel bad for Lucious

Lucious: you've only been with him, for a few hours, I've tolerated him for 17 years!

Meh: I'm sorry Luci but, vote quick!

Lucious: sink! Wasn't it obvious?

Meh: well yeah...

Pansy: sink!!

Blaise: sink! Why would Draco like Granger?

Sev: it's definitely a sink from me

Jamie boi: yeah, it's a sink

Lily: it has to be a sink

Luna: it's a sink

Meh: great, now that everyone has finished voting, let's count them

Ships: 0

Sinks: 11

Meh: Yasssss!!! We've made Dramione sink great job people!!

I don't feel sorry for the Dramione shippers cause Dramione doesn't make sense, I am sorry if someone  got offended, but I meant full offense, yea that's all

Meh: k let's move onto the next one!

Dray: *writing* when will you lift the jixn?

Meh: never, you have to kiss the person you're heart desires aka your crush or you'll be muted forever! Drake!

Harry Potter characters react to ships~Where stories live. Discover now