Chapter 38

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- A m a r a R u s s o -

"This is the biggest house I've ever been in."

Elena's voice was full of wonder as her curious blue eyes looked around the entire corridor.

"I know," I agreed, "I was shocked when I found out I'd be living here for the rest of my life too. It's massive."

"Yeah," she murmured in awe, "I can't believe it."

"Now you've got a tour of the Russo mansion," I joked as I led her to my room.

"Not a full tour," she corrected with a laugh. "More like a first floor tour."

We giggled like a pair of middle school school girls - even if we were - as I opened the door to my bedroom, revealing my entire sleeping and working space to her.

"It's so pink," she commented, "Looks a lot like you actually."

"Yeah," I said proudly, "I love it."

"Mhm, it seems very comfortable." she hummed, her hand lightly touching my bed covers. "It's very warm here."

I knew what she meant.

Elena wasn't talking about the temperature of the room, but more the feeling of 'warmth'. My room felt warm; comforting and peaceful in a way, which is why I was in love with it. Especially my comforter.

"Where are we going to work?" Elena asked, setting her bag on the ground.

"Over there," I pointed at my desk as she took out a gigantic binder. She dropped it onto the floor, creating a huge bang to resound across the room.

"That is heavy." I said, and she laughed.

"It is," she agreed, "My back breaks just coming into the school every day."

"Why is it so heavy?"

"No idea." she shrugged, "You can even look in my bag. There is literally nothing in this except for thousands of paper and notebooks."

"You have that many notes for geography?" Aghast, I went over to her, stealing away her binder as I started flipping through the many pages of notes she took throughout the entire six months at school.

"No," she denied, waving her hand in a dismissive gesture. "I have my history notes in there as well."

"This is a two-inch binder, Elena." I muttered in shock, staring at her like she was crazy. "How the hell do you have this many notes? Do you copy down word per word what the teacher says?"

"No!" She looked offended by my words. "Of course not! I just took notes from the teacher and took notes off of her slides and presentations. I also took notes during other people's projects so that I could do better in the future, and stole some information from our textbook."

"Oh." Now I feel like an idiot for accusing her. "I just took notes from the textbook."

Sighing, Elena gave me an exasperated glare, and I was half-expecting for her eyes to roll to the back of her head as a smile tugged at her lips.

"You think I don't know that?" she retorted, and if it weren't for the slight glimmer of amusement in her eyes, I would've thought that she was pissed at me.

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